Example sentences of "for [pers pn] [that] he " in BNC.

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1 In the fourth Gospel Jesus tells his followers , heart-broken because he is going to leave them , that it is better for them that he should do so :
2 And it 's never quite fitted for me that he could be so stiff and laconic in Cabinet and yet try and be much more expansive on these set-piece occasions .
3 It was a great thrill for me to beat Yevgeniev and important for me that he was there .
4 ‘ It is wonderful for me that he is there to talk to .
5 ‘ My dear Sophie , ’ Cummings stepped forward , ‘ I do n't think you should listen to all this , your eldest son has been tried and convicted of the fraud , that should be enough proof for you that he is guilty . ’
6 In fact he 's so wrong for you that he is upsetting your life . "
7 He told the bailiff who came for him that he must shave , and suggested he stepped into his studio where on an easel he was confronted with the half finished Lazarus .
8 Lucky for him that he was wearing a fire-proof suit , and it was only the joins such as between the leg and the boots , where the mask did n't cover the face , eyebrows , nostrils , lungs and wrists that were severely burnt .
9 ‘ You poor thing , ’ cried Martha , and cooked meals for him that he could n't eat .
10 Moreover , he himself had loyalties of his own to preserve , and it was well for him that he should not know too much .
11 It had been enough for her that he was a man who thought his house a good point of departure for the Piero della Francesca trail .
12 You know that , ’ she replied , and discovered that Travis , more interested in his love-life than hers , wanted to talk about Rosemary and how much he missed seeing her and the fact that he had been so lonesome for her that he 'd phoned her flat several times yesterday evening and , receiving no reply , had realised she must still be at her parents ' home .
13 Speelman had to give up his queen to avoid being mated , but by that time he had so many pieces for it that he was still able to draw comfortably .
14 It was only when he was reaching across for it that he remembered .
15 Germon and Shane Thomson are two of the gentlemen of New Zealand cricket , and one run later Germon took Thomson 's word for it that he had caught him at extra cover , and walked .
16 It was only after he had reached for it that he realized he was carrying my groceries around .
17 I should have allowed for it that he was no ordinary man , and could move like a thunderstorm when he willed .
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