Example sentences of "for [pers pn] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They were the people who were already ‘ suffering greatly from having some 57,000 boat people there and more and more and more would come when the season came for them to leave Vietnam . ’
2 We 've made plenty of enemies over the years , even politicians here at the UN , and this will provide them with the perfect ammunition for them to shoot UNACO down in flames .
3 They may also be able to build in some safeguards which would make it possible for them to give permission .
4 The nature of the Premier League club chairmen , most of whom are highly successful businsessmen , not without confidence in their own judgement , makes it almost impossible for them to give others carte blanche .
5 Linfield 's search extends throughout the British Isles and the League of Ireland but until the championship is completed it will be impossible for them to open negotiations with certain players .
6 As far as the trade was concerned we tried to , and still try to , do whatever makes it easiest for them to order books from us and sell them .
7 The chemical agent which they contain , making it possible for them to use water in the photosynthetic process , is chlorophyll , which is also possessed by true algae and the higher plants .
8 Consequently accountants are in a highly dependent position compared to most professions ; it is difficult for them to use professionalism as a market strategy .
9 Tell your branch the date it was written , the number of the cheque , who it was made out to and for how much , and sign an authorization for them to stop payment .
10 There will no doubt be an excuse for them to drink vodka together again soon .
11 Originally it was planned for them to eliminate enemies of the Islamic Republic , but this mission was deemed more important .
12 Their English should be sufficiently accurate , specialised and idiomatic for them to detect subtleties of detail and meaning in English material presented to them , and to express such subtleties when they write .
13 There is no evidence of when the committal order was drawn up , although Mrs. Butler 's solicitors were assured that this would happen in sufficient time for them to receive copies by fax later that afternoon .
14 It has then made two points : ( 1 ) that other people manage curricula within centralised systems , which is encouraging ; but ( 2 ) that other people have cultural backgrounds which make it easier for them to manage curricula within centralised systems , which is discouraging .
15 There are advantages to customers in that it is easier for them to ask questions in a more realistic way in order to ascertain the product 's utility more clearly and quickly .
16 Given full rein to run as far as they want , the plants are living very well and do n't feel in any particular danger , so there is no need for them to waste energy by perpetuating the species and going to the trouble of producing flower and setting seed .
17 But because they have less control over muscles , it 's harder for them to form words and sounds .
18 ‘ It must be frightening for them to see Ryan on the bench .
19 But although the younger sons could not have Nambudiri wives it was quite normal and respectable for them to take women of the matrilineal castes ( e.g. Nayar ) as recognized consorts .
20 The work of health visitors — traditionally and profitably with mothers and children — threatens to be ‘ undermined ’ by increasing requests from general practitioners for them to take part in the home care of the very old ( ibid. : 131 ) .
21 Although the story of Croton 's lost Helen admitted that no single girl of the southern peninsula in those days was entirely beautiful enough , it was still recalled by the attending spectators at the Sunday promenade , by the old men and women no longer in the marriage stakes , by the servants whom custom forbade from parading — as if the cost of new or spruced-up clothes did not make it impossible for them to take part anyway .
22 It may be that , for them , the attraction of SSE in general and of this scheme in particular lies in the opportunity it appears to offer for them to take part in decisions about school policy .
23 On the other hand , parents who show no sign of caring where their youngsters are , or what they are doing , not only leave them free to get into all kinds of trouble but make it harder for them to take responsibility by depriving them too soon of parental care .
24 To do this it will frequently be necessary for them to take risks .
25 We are considering many other aspects in order to improve the position of women in the civil service — to make it easier for them to take jobs , leave to have children , and return later .
26 And this was their undoing because the surfaces of the branches had earlier been covered with lime to make it impossible for them to take flight again — ever again .
27 So , using the public address you send , to that zone only , a warning for them to take care .
28 The Socialists had captured a large number of the Councils and Boards of Guardians throughout the country , and there was only one thing left for them to take charge of — the British Empire .
29 He says that if the Ministry of Culture still go ahead and grant permission for the excavation to proceed , then it will be vital for them to involve scholars and specialists .
30 Advertising made it possible for them to distribute news practically free of charge , with the profit coming from marketing .
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