Example sentences of "for [pron] to have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Thus planning permission had been granted ( on 22 December 1975 , close enough to Christmas for no-one to have been paying much attention ) and the period for appealing the planning permission was past before local residents discovered that Raybestos Manhattan would be processing and emitting asbestos , a highly toxic pollutant and confirmed mass killer .
2 Fortunately , most of the figures who appear in this book meet that criterion or , if not , they were certainly notable enough for them to have been remembered .
3 Equally , there are too many for them to have been purely phonetic or syllabic .
4 The bullets had followed each other too quickly from different angles for them to have been fired by the same person .
5 These wadis are too long and , in many places , form too integrated a pattern for them to have been formed under present climatic conditions .
6 I would also like , and I know this is where I 'll get problems I would if we are gon na try and get the kids into a routine over them doing their work I think the easiest routine for them to have is that you do you , you get , you have your lesson you do your homework that night and you hand it in the next day .
7 I was given to understand it was an honour for me to have been invited , and I was very much on trial .
8 ‘ I 'd have been delighted for you to have been squeezed in next to me .
9 No , of course not , she 's too young for you to have been named after her .
10 However , the galaxies would also have had some small sideways velocities , and this might have made it possible for there to have been an earlier contracting phase of the universe , in which the galaxies might have come very close together but somehow managed to avoid hitting each other .
11 It was too much of a coincidence for there to have been two wrecks of similar size and age .
12 This assumes that the period of Newco 's ownership of shares in Target would be sufficiently short for there to have been no increase in their value , so that when the capital distribution takes place , there is no capital gains tax liability on the partners under s122 TCGA 1992 , nor a distribution for the purposes of s209 TA 1988 .
13 Scott J concluded that it was in the public interest for there to have been disclosure to those two bodies .
14 It was unusual for her to have been alone then , but she had asked for time to herself .
15 Despite the superficial stupidity of the action , it must have some special advantage in at least enough cases for it to have been the subject of natural selection .
16 For it to have left archaeological evidence it would have been necessary for it to have been manifested by a physical act of some kind , which would necessarily need to result in the production of something capable of preservation in the archaeological context .
17 This door was closed too carefully , perhaps too stealthily , for it to have been any of Haverford 's doing .
18 " The only safe and correct approach is not to allow an injunction to remain , even for a single day , if it was clearly wrong for it to have been granted . "
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