Example sentences of "for [pron] [coord] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Technically , if you hand someone a joint you 're supplying , but it means a lot of work for them and does n't catch the people who are the big fish .
2 She designed a T-shirt for them and has written their anthem Children of the 90s .
3 It can not be an informed decision unless the person who has provided the specimens of breath knows that there are two possible specimens which can be substituted for them and has been given the opportunity of making representations as to which of the two types of specimen it should be .
4 He is the one who paid the money for them and has made some bad mistakes , e.g. Mo Johnston , Paul Rideout , Alan Harper and Barry Horne .
5 Going up and down tracks is good for them and makes them very relaxed and happy .
6 Crilly reaches for me but stops himself ; we are in his mother 's bed after all .
7 Second , the specificity of who it is safe to love is related to the ‘ me in you ’ : ‘ I love someone who reflects part of myself , sometimes a hidden or unacknowledged part of myself ; I feel good with a you who either shares my feelings , expresses them for me or helps me to defend myself against them . ’
8 He reaches for me and holds me tight , and the tremble of him is tremendous .
9 I am often asked to lead seminars on a topic which has been chosen for me and has a ti tie like ‘ coming to terms with our own mortality ’ .
10 Here is the fair mall ( mallet ) To give a knock on the skull To the man who keeps no gear for himself But gives all to his bairns .
11 For example , he tends to pitch in and sort things out for himself and does not spend enough time on man-management .
12 Paragraphs ( a ) , ( b ) and ( c ) of the subsection all describe unilateral , though honest , acts of the appropriator , who takes the property for himself and treats it as his own .
13 The Indian had nothing to do but obey ; and whoever has formed the habit of passive obedience ends by being no longer able to act for himself and comes to love the yoke that is laid upon him .
14 Also it is something they can do for you and gives the visit a sense of occasion .
15 The biggest villain in the escalation of health-care costs is the ordinary American citizen , who demands maximum coverage for everything but wants to pay for nothing .
16 She learns to stand up for herself and becomes more aware of her own personality .
17 He thanks you for the toy soldiers you left behind for him but wishes The General was here to organise them in fighting order .
18 He does sometimes get into a ‘ delayed ’ mood where he thinks he has more time than he does … the reason for the square/back passes I reckon is noone moves into space for him or looks for it up front .
19 Once man has satisfied his basic needs , and has reached a state of equilibrium of contentment , the world opens for him and becomes a cornucopia of delight .
20 He 's got a gentleman there who makes his meals for him and cleans the house .
21 Long before we arrived , Herr Wendling had made a great reputation for him and has now introduced him to all his friends .
22 A boy works for him and brings him all the food and things he needs .
23 That she is concerned for him and wishes to assure herself as to his welfare is understandable , but that look of shining radiance is a trifle puzzling .
24 Aunt Tinty , an amiable half-wit , keeps house for him and sings sentimental songs in the gloaming ; her daughter , Margaret , is a heavily pregnant , rather mannish woman doctor whose husband is far away ; her son , Tom , is an eternal and drunken medical student , engaged in a squalid affair with the woman at the village pub .
25 She said : ‘ He holds out his hands for him and loves to have him on his knee .
26 Towards the end of this time , the mother looks as though she has a bunch of pink grapes on her underside and clambering about the branches or running over uneven ground not only becomes awkward for her but looks distinctly uncomfortable for her young .
27 It is tuition for her and helps her to get over a lot of barriers about performing live in front of demanding and sometimes difficult audiences .
28 He turns the mangle for her and reads her the newspapers , ‘ doing the police in different voices ’ .
29 So times multiplication is the fancy word for it but times is good enough .
30 Zoe goes for it and plucks up some courage while Leonard asserts himself and makes a decision .
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