Example sentences of "for [adj] is [art] " in BNC.

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1 Second , four B , erm the proform substitution where a proform is like a pronoun or a proverb or if you fancy a pro-sentence erm sentence five Florence teased Dougal , and Brian did so too did so means teased Dougal the sentence for that is a proform .
2 In which case , the only respite is too regain vestiges of trust ; and the only clear mechanism for that is the over-arching responsibility of the Press Council .
3 In which case , the only respite is too regain vestiges of trust ; and the only clear mechanism for that is the over-arching responsibility of the Press Council .
4 The mayor does not automatically become Lord Mayor for that is the subject of a further grant from the Crown .
5 Banks ' concerns are dark , and no less profound for being seen through the glass of adolescence — for that is the much underrated emotional and cultural condition in which Scotland still finds itself .
6 That has now changed Eastern arts no longer support the gallery now one obvious reason for that is the gallery started so well because of the enthusiasm from a number of professional people who came along and gave their advice and much of their time and such a body of people has not been called upon for a number of years now and once again a request to discuss this with Mr was refused .
7 On the other hand , for the second state unc unc for that is the just the mathematical statement that the polariser extinguishes this state .
8 It 's our view Chairman that the figure of a hundred and forty five hectares for the Greater York area is too high , erm the basis for that is the government guidance P P G twelve , paragraph five point one three , which says that the structure plan should provide a strategic framework for local plans development control and it should also indicate broad areas of restraint on development .
9 The reason for that is the ability to use natural gas as a feedstock .
10 Quality Management means that we could have as much as 30% more time and effort to devote to our real jobs — for that is the amount of time and effort expended in British businesses sorting out things that have gone wrong .
11 Planned for 1993 is a monograph reviewing the complete works of Jusepe de Ribera by Nicola Spinosa .
12 New for 1993 is a suite of WordPerfect applications for the IBM OS/2 operating system .
13 Among the 10 titles scheduled by Editions Spengler for 1993 is the Bosnian war diary of Zlatko Dizdarevic , editor of the Sarajevo newspaper Oslobodjenje .
14 The need for another is a defining biological truth .
15 To exchange one set for another is no great matter .
16 ‘ Do n't forget Run For Free is a very good horse .
17 The best treatment for this is a Ultra-Violet Clarifier .
18 The reason for this is a question of aesthetics , but it is true , nonetheless .
19 Italians call it the ‘ Silent South ’ for this is a region of real peace and tranquility , where life is relaxed and full of simple pleasures .
20 The music industry term for this is a ‘ hook ’ .
21 The paper support for this is a flimsy piece of plastic , and a wire loop .
22 The reason for this is a simple commercial one .
23 The best tool for this is a circular saw set so that the blade only just protrudes beneath the floorboards — beware of electric cables below !
24 The fundamental reason for this is a fact of ego-psychology which the individualistic fallacy and the therapeutic tunnel-vision of modern psychotherapy obscures .
25 Division then returns , for this is a struggle to the death , or life .
26 part of the reason for this is no doubt Eliot 's hostility to ideas about ‘ social progress ’ one aspect of which was the eugenics movement .
27 One major reason for this is an unfractured insistence on known traditions that have existed for centuries ; the absence of revolutions and occupying armies in Britain and therefore the lack of radical new beginnings as in Germany and Central Europe after World War I has had this effect .
28 The evidence for this is the system of kinship terms which Morgan found in various parts of the world .
29 The reason for this is the extraordinary measure of blessing that attended his ministry in that place .
30 The reason for this is the provision of lifting eyes on the edge of the cross member for lifting by crane or helicopter .
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