Example sentences of "for [noun] were [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , even as he spoke , the forces for change were there and rallying : the critique of the established constitutional authorities was eating into things below the froth of party politics ; the Liberal-SDP Alliance considered that the " key to … change lies in electoral and constitutional reform " ; and Tony Benn , generally recognised as leader of the radical left in the Labour Party , was telling large and enthusiastic audiences up and down the country that " constitutional questions are the key to power in a parliamentary democracy " and that " socialists need to give at least as much attention to the institutions of the state as to the power structure of the economy " .
2 Attempts by Irish women , lesbian and heterosexual , to voice our oppression and to struggle for support were largely ignored .
3 The rules regarding outdoor relief for widows were significantly relaxed in 1911 .
4 The Divisional Court felt that the copy documents which the solicitor had prepared for counsel were necessarily franked by professional privilege .
5 Zuwaya men , for instance were extremely careful not to touch the marriageable daughters of their kin , friends and neighbours .
6 Evidence of this can be seen in the surprising number of items surviving from the late 19th and early 20th centuries , which one could be forgiven for thinking were only a few decades old .
7 By the autumn , the arguments for coalition were entirely negative .
8 The difficulties were considerable for aircraft were still primitive with open cockpits , and airfields were very few and far between .
9 Seeing Anthea each day would be a constant reminder , and neither woman could deny that the masks of civility each had been holding up to the other for months were now trampled underfoot .
10 It certainly contributed to holding down inflation , so that the money wages generated by the high demand for labour were easily translated into product wage increases and the necessary scrapping rates achieved .
11 Figures for receivership were less positive , but entirely consistent with the view that the region has suffered a much shorter and less severe recession than any other .
12 All the elements necessary for rectification were therefore present ; if the Crown was at fault because of the delay in discovering the mistake , rectification was still possible .
13 Chroniclers and poets in their embittered criticism of papal initiatives for peace were scarcely less vehement than the lords and commons in parliament , and when at last , in 1378 , an Italian pope was elected , an Englishman at Rome rejoiced because ‘ Previous popes and their cardinals had been greater enemies of the kingdom of England than the king of France himself . ’
14 Leases for lives were sometimes used in the eastern half of the country , but here the normal method of tenure was the lease for a restricted period , from one to twenty-one years .
15 Those who left service for marriage were as often as not entering an economically less secure situation : rarely one in which they could expect to be " kept " in comfort .
16 Even so , calls for a general strike to force the Government to end all support for intervention were heavily defeated at the Labour Party Conference in June .
17 The regular patterns of sound change discovered by Grimm for German were now investigated and specified more closely , methods of reconstructing earlier unwritten forms of words and constructing models of linguistic ‘ family trees ’ were established , other models of evolutionary change ( like Schmidt 's ‘ wave-theory ’ ) were suggested and the use of analogy — especially grammatical analogy — were developed ; for philology was nothing if not comparative .
18 Another batch of goods which had been bought for £400 and sold for £600 were subsequently found to be faulty .
19 Thus , for example , Baldwin 's responses to questions in the House over Britain 's preparedness for war were heavily guarded .
20 Although there had been brief conflicts between England and France in the reigns of Edward I and Edward II , the reasons for war were now much more substantial than they had been in 1294 or 1324 , and the will to war on the part of the king , if not yet on the part of most of the nobility , was much more apparent .
21 A woman whose energy and appetite for merriment were so enormous and whose gift for friendship was so limitless as to make her unique in high London society .
22 The implements available here for cleaning were as many and as varied in colour and smell as the places which I had to clean .
23 Doubts of the sincerity of her much-advertised desire for reform were already being voiced in the early years of her reign .
24 Criteria for selection were that at least one parent had intractable seizures ; children were of school age ; the family could function in a group setting and there were no major psychiatric or psychological problems .
25 In the more difficult political conditions in which a Labour leader has to operate when in opposition , appeals for restraint were less likely to be effective … ’
26 Teachers who see the scheme as useful in producing proposals for changes were again significantly positive in their attitudes whereas those not doing so were negative .
27 Other reasons for depopulation were also examined during this period .
28 Again several factors explain this distribution : the higher mortality of very heavy drinkers ; the influence of social attitudes ; the fact that when the older age groups grew up attitudes against drink and for temperance were very much stronger ; and possibly the fact that the reduced incomes of older people offer less opportunity to consume alcohol ( there is a clear relationship between alcohol consumption and disposable income ) .
29 A 21 per cent rise in cases of salmonella and 24 per cent for campylobacter were also recorded .
30 It was still very difficult to see how the process might work , or to account for the fact that some ads worked , and some consumers took action , but others stubbornly did not ; or that an apparently good campaign failed to achieve extra sales — for sales were still the only real measure of effectiveness .
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