Example sentences of "for [noun] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 DETAILED plans for a £4.63m leisure pool for Middlesbrough go before councillors this week .
2 ‘ But for clubs going from the fourth to the third sums between £50,000 and £100,000 are about the going rate so £200,000 from the second to the Premier does n't seem unlikely , ’ he said .
3 See the harvest field , you and I get the benefit from , but Jesus said you pray for labourers to go into the harvest field .
4 Does my hon. Friend agree that we should also pay tribute to Friends of the Earth which , when I was a Minister at the Department of Transport , suggested that it would be sensible for the Minister with responsibility for roads to go to the Netherlands with some civil servants to see how traffic calming works there .
5 The other Senate seat up for election went for the first time to the PAN , which won 17.7 per cent of the vote and secured 92 seats in the Chamber of Deputies .
6 And she has a hundred and forty and he 's gotten of cans for the his mum and Stewart 's been getting some cans for the shop for his granddad and I 've been asking for permission to go into the dump and get some for there .
7 The Young King had been pressing for permission to go on a pilgrimage to Compostella but Henry II , believing that this was just an excuse to get away from his watchful eye , had instead ordered him to help suppress the rebellion in Aquitaine .
8 A Ask your teacher for permission to go to the Matron 's Room .
9 Less note was taken by the CECOS Report of other ways of spending leisure , but a few mentions indicate that girls might for instance go to sewing classes , sing in choirs , and in one case learn " skirt dancing " .
10 It 's important to encourage as much contact with the outside world as possible , for instance going to local events , taking evening classes , joining clubs and so on .
11 Decided on 300 as optimum print run for notes to go in Green Box .
12 We must embrace change in the way we do things , to get better value for money to go to more places and cover more stories .
13 In one of the frankest interviews ever given by a club owner , he said : ‘ I am contemplating abandoning my quest for silver to go for gold . ’
14 Social services have stopped paying a £30 attendance allowance for Becky to go to Southampton once every two months for treatment .
15 For calves going to pasture in early May two treatments , three and six weeks later , after first treatment , are used , whereas calves turned out in April require three treatments at intervals of three weeks .
16 Is that for Edward to go with his ?
17 After much ‘ mickey-taking ’ , I informed every lady that I only bought one in order to get some change for Sue to go to the toilet ( 25p a time — whatever happened to the expression ‘ spending a penny ’ ) .
18 He said that he much preferred the money they could afford for clothing to go onto the boys ' backs , and onto her .
19 The redevelopment of the er derelict factory site into smaller industrial units and making it er a form of want for a better phrase , enterprise zone where thanks to subsidies from the government and the E E C , we will look into making it rate free , reduced rents , etc. , er increase capital allowances for companies going in there so you could attract the needed capital intensive industries that will meet the high tech need that we have the need to have to create high tech jobs .
20 Now is the time for vice-chancellors to go in hard and exact promises of increased funding .
21 Instead , he pulled the chair away and opened the door , gesturing with his gun for Tug to go through it .
22 Because you 've been badgering me for weeks to go to a car boot sale .
23 It was a terrible sin for his elder brothers to smoke or drink , or for Martin to go to bed unwashed or with his homework undone .
24 In 1972 , he paid for Helen to go to America for treatment to teach her to crawl and use her hands .
25 The group also offers support for individuals going through difficult periods .
26 The laurels for criticism went to Thomas McEvilley ‘ for his reasoned way of dealing with such issues as quality , multiculturalism , and modernism/postmodernism ’ .
27 It is a better strategy to create resources for industrialization to go for a rich peasant economy than to go for a middle peasant economy .
28 Percentage for Art and the people behind it believe it 's time th the time has come for art to go on the offensive .
29 In those days it was common for industrialists to go to the United States to learn how major companies should best be run .
30 He wrote farces , he wrote burlesques , he wrote songs , and sometimes he wrote accompanying music for things going on on the stage , and apparently he also wrote Sally In Our Alley .
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