Example sentences of "for [noun] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 They must off worked on that cat for hours to get into the .
2 He sat for hours staring into a hand mirror , tilting it this way and that and bending his head .
3 See the harvest field , you and I get the benefit from , but Jesus said you pray for labourers to go into the harvest field .
4 All is silent — the sun is set and as the branches of the woodland trees reflect in the gentle water of the pool I feel the whole of existence draw closer around me as my capacity for description dissolves into an experience of the infinite .
5 As the House of Lords Select Committee put it , ‘ It is consistent with the attribute of sovereignty in the international law sense for states to enter into groupings such as alliances or international organisations …
6 Legislation gives the public a seven-day ‘ cooling off ’ period for contracts entered into at home .
7 A friend he had not seen for ages came into the bar with his wife , and , in the end , the three of them went on somewhere for dinner .
8 And she has a hundred and forty and he 's gotten of cans for the his mum and Stewart 's been getting some cans for the shop for his granddad and I 've been asking for permission to go into the dump and get some for there .
9 Emotional lability , in which the patient responds with exaggerated emotions , for instance bursting into tears without any real reason , is often a problem for stroke and head-injured patients .
10 ( a ) for solicitors to enter into a multi-national partnerships with members of that profession ; and
11 The Standards and Guidance Committee is satisfied that the professions listed below are so regulated as to make it appropriate for solicitors to enter into MNPs with members of those professions , and for members of those professions to be officers of recognised bodies , in accordance with Schedule 14 paragraph 2(2) of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 .
12 The answer to my hon. Friend 's question is that of course those are relevant considerations for valuers to take into account .
13 When open to shipping , the large clear span allowed easy axis for vessels navigating into the East and West Old Docks .
14 Technically , says Mr Nearn , it was not a big step for Caterham to move into manufacturing the car it had been selling and marketing for years .
15 Here cycle tracks may be taken from road space , but as they are delimited only by markings they are available for cars to pull into when they need to pass oncoming traffic .
16 Analysts say that OS/2 2.0 is reason enough for IBM to advance into the superserver market .
17 I 'm quite sure that the way forward for teachers and parents is within some kind of co-operative framework , and the only way that can work effectively is for each to be aware of other 's needs and difficulties , and the kind of barriers that have existed in the past for parents to get into schools I think are being lowered by the schools , but it takes almost a generation , I think , for parents to stop being frightened about what school is doing and the kind of parents who 've had bad experiences themselves in schools , I think , have enormous difficulties in approaching teachers and I 'm sure the answer is in terms of co-operative activity — children and schools , schools and parents , and all of them together with myriad of outside agencies that are available for children with severe problems .
18 Orders were issued for the cattle and geese to be driven in from the commons , the gates to be shut , the walls and bastions manned and all preparations for siege put into immediate operation .
19 The Prince , momentarily forgetting his orders for Sharpe to change into Dutch uniform , dominated the luncheon conversation as he eagerly expressed his wish that the French would attack before the Duke returned from his meeting with the Prussians , for then the Prince could defeat the enemy with only the help of his faithful Dutch troops .
20 The Board proposes that there should be no exemption to the requirements of the FRS for transactions entered into before a specified date .
21 The request for widgets falls into two categories : a rich text widget to support editing of text with various colours and typefaces ; and control widgets , which will provide equivalent functionality to PC user interfaces , spin button , field stepper and thermometer slider .
22 Manual returns are sent to head office , and data for consolidation entered into Microsoft Excel to produce management accounts .
23 We 're the ones that have said to Jehovah I am dedicating my life to you , I am going to do this , do that and the other and it 's up to us as to whether we do it , so it requires effort , first , five , six , also says let us stay awake , keep our senses first Peter , five , eight keep your senses , be watchful and then first Corinthians , ten , twelve which I think the song was based on let him think that he is standing , beware , beware , beware that he does not fall , if you think things are going along nicely and you 're in a comfortable little corner , a little niche in the truth , and it 's just how you like it , and it 's just the way you want it to be and there 's the time we need to be aware because there 's an opening for Satan to get into to make us fall .
24 But if war should occur , it will be war not only between states but between exploiter and exploited ; there is thus real potential for war to turn into what Clausewitz called ‘ war of hatred ’ .
25 ( 6.7 ) unc ( 6.8 ) unc The law for PAR takes into account the fact that , when a declaration is moved outside the constructor , the process that uses it must now declare the fact that it might want to use the variable declared .
26 They take no account of the markets for multimedia delivered into homes through broadband networks , an area of certain substantial growth , particularly in the latter years of the decade .
27 ‘ It might take a few games for Martin to settle into the side but he is a good team man and strong defensively .
28 Repeated doses of bad news from the front generated mounting criticism of government incompetence ; ministerial confidence was visibly shaken ; and discontent which had been smouldering for years burst into flame .
29 More tarmac and concrete has left fewer green fields for water to drain into underground reserves , as Sheila Brocklebank reports .
30 Since it may take decades for water to percolate into these aquifers the problem is a long-term one , and bearing in mind the increasing use of artificial fertilizer since the war , one which may return .
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