Example sentences of "for [indef pn] [Wh pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Their luck had been good , for everyone who had left the warren was still alive .
2 An annual briefing on cable break procedures and other emergencies would be very valuable for everyone who flies gliders , and particularly those who stop flying for long periods over the winter months and so get badly out of practice .
3 The authorities say they 'll provide alternative services for everyone who uses the Centre and that they hope to redeploy the forty staff .
4 Alex Orton-Green , 15 , of the Funky Junky Party , wore his long hair in a pigtail , and Robert Hutchinson , 15 , representing the Football Supporters-Normal Persons Party , was standing for everyone who thinks rugby is boring .
5 ‘ This is for everyone who thinks I ca n't play , ’ Levi said into a CBS camera after nailing a 3-iron into the last green to ensure his two-stroke victory .
6 When I was feeling really low , I could have quit if it had n't been for everyone who 'd been following me , and that comes down to everyone here at the schools .
7 Auditions are nerve-wracking for everyone who does them ( and for that matter , for everyone who watches them ) but being sure of your text is the least you can do .
8 I am afraid that some of you are going to be disappointed , but you know that there are not places in the Secondary School for everyone who passes Standard Six .
9 Auditions are nerve-wracking for everyone who does them ( and for that matter , for everyone who watches them ) but being sure of your text is the least you can do .
10 Michael Duffy ( HND Catering and Hotelkeeping , 1976 ) is organising a reunion for everyone who started a catering course in the 1970s .
11 For everyone who lost his faith , there must have been at least another who went to outcast London or to darkest Africa to convert the faint and hungry heathen ; there was a great deal of Christian confidence , and not simply a Church in retreat before agnostic scientists .
12 And , finally , for everyone who groans at the idea of a twice-weekly exercise class , what about trying toning tables ?
13 Formal labour markets in capitalist economies have never been able to provide paid employment for everyone who needed it , and short of allowing wage-labourers and their families of future wage-labourers to starve , either individual capitalists or the state on their behalf had to provide alternative means of support .
14 It may be for everyone who comes to buy a ticket , but those who do choose to go are a small minority of the population .
15 Ensure that there is adequate community care available for everyone who comes out of a psychiatric hospital after a stay of six months or more .
16 To argue as some opponents of Wages for Housework do ( Phillips and Wallsgrove , 1978 ) that there should be ‘ adequate payment for everyone who wants to work in these collective childcare facilities ’ while opposing any payment for mothers looking after their own children at home is astonishing .
17 Mr Lamont said : ‘ This is the best possible news for everyone who wants to see a modern and competitive British economy succeeding in world markets in the 1990s . ’
18 In one such performance , James Luna promises to combine ‘ Indian mythology , Christian evangelism , and psychoanalysis to create a double-edged interpretation that has ‘ something for everyone who has ever believed in the romantic vision of the American Indian and bought into the guilt-complex of American history ’ ’ ’ .
19 The first step in achieving this objective is to guarantee a place on Employment Training ( ET ) for everyone who has been out of work for a long period of time .
20 I am preparing a big adhortatio for everyone who has not yet been utterly suffocated and swallowed up by the present age . "
21 It was the temple for everyone who wanted to be involved in something that had nothing to do with what most people thought was ‘ happening ’ in that part of the seventies .
22 Some of the changes can be achieved by improving existing services and arrangements but a major expansion in community services will be needed to make community car a reality for everyone who needs it .
23 I think these things were not common in those days and I was looking for someone who had great potential , and decided I 'd found it in David Bowie .
24 Even with his handiwork through me , I thought of the sadness inevitably awaiting the others ; yet I would have to pursue him , for someone who had three times seen murder as a solution to problems could n't be trusted never to try it again .
25 Both Victoria and Albert were delighted with the Emperor 's charm and amiability , but above all they were captivated by Eugènie ‘ the dear , sweet Empress ’ , though the Queen confided to the Emperor that she realized how difficult her role must be for someone who had not been brought up to it .
26 The worst bit was coming over the runway for the landing when I felt that I was no longer in control , but he made a perfect landing … a great landing for anyone , but incredible for someone who had never flown before . ’
27 He learned his trade and was reasonably competitive in an old car for someone who had no money for either equipment or spares .
28 Indeed , I wondered whether it was possible for someone who had not shared in their experience to pass physically through the white gateposts into the avenue , and attain the domain .
29 His only modern biographer suggests that he spent his last days in extreme poverty at an advanced age , an ironical end for someone who had accounted meticulously for the handling of millions of pounds and had been listed by name in an Act of Parliament .
30 That was quite enough for someone who had just admitted to disliking exchanges of confidence except to his intimates .
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