Example sentences of "for [v-ing] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Relief and remorse for doubting him flooded her as his hands moved to relieve himself of his jeans .
2 She turned on Walter Ash and reviled him for allowing her to hope , and indeed , despite the final outcome , it was his dangerous encouragement of this scheme that prefaced her final disillusion with him .
3 There are other delicious gestures drawing attention to the feet in La Fille Mal Gardée such as Mother Simone gently tapping her clogs as if thanking them for allowing her to show off her particular style of dance .
4 Reserves Duncan Chapman and Paul Pickering can expect a difficult time against in-form Dane , Richard Juul , and Max Schofield , the former Bear who will be determined to prove a point to Middlesbrough for allowing him to move on .
5 My thanks to David Bogie , studio manager and Fish for their time and patience — and for allowing me to visit the Funny Farm .
6 I am most grateful to her for allowing me to use this remarkable case study of John .
7 " Thank you for the tea — and thank you for allowing me to join your table . "
8 I thank my hon. Friend the Member for Basildon ( Mr. Amess ) for allowing me to say a few words on a matter that is so important to my constituents and to his .
9 Well anyway Mr Chatfield , thank you very much for allowing me to ask
10 I knew that they would be criticized by the Fontanellatesi for allowing me to go away and live in a distant city among thousands of Allied soldiers .
11 ‘ Thank you for allowing me to go through his papers . ’
12 Bless 'em all thank you as well to Radio Nottingham for allowing me to come in as part of my successful bid for Money Spinner .
13 Thank you very much for allowing me to come .
14 In compiling this book I am extremely grateful to Butterworth & Co Ltd for allowing me to reproduce precedents and text from Volume 22 of the Encyclopaedia of Forms & Precedents ( 5th edn ) .
15 ‘ Thank you so much , ’ she said sarcastically , ‘ for allowing me to eat with such revered company , but I 'm tired now .
16 I am grateful to the hon. Member for Beaconsfield ( Mr. Smith ) for allowing me to intervene briefly in this debate .
17 I am much indebted to the Commission staff , in particular to Mr Collin Bowen , for allowing me to show plans in advance of publication of this , and of the other sites in the county .
18 I would also like to thank the Nature Conservancy Council 's Upland Vegetation Survey and Andrew Currie for allowing me to quote from their unpublished reports .
19 I am particularly indebted to Keith Bennett and Julie Fossitt for allowing me to quote their unpublished results from Loch Lang ; to Hilary Birks and Keith Bennett for reading the manuscript ; and to Hilary Birks for word-processing .
20 I am grateful to the right hon. Member for Selby for allowing me to quote from the letter .
21 I am grateful to the hon. Member for Leyton ( Mr. Cohen ) for allowing me to speak in this valuable debate .
22 Er thank you Chairman for allowing me to speak as a non member , I am however , a er member of one of your representatives on the Luton Airport Consultative Committee .
23 Orkney Islands Council Social Work Department refused to implement the independent decision of the Children 's Panel , and blamed the Reporter for allowing them to reach it .
24 The couple gave just a hint of the trauma they faced in an open letter thanking the press for allowing them to put together the pieces of their relationship in private .
25 I do n't ken why they used to blame my father for allowing them to stay , stay , and and er , och , you get a lot of animosity .
26 Our grateful thanks to Unwins and Suttons seeds for allowing us to use their original seed catalogues .
27 It was made for Barclays Bank and we are grateful to them for allowing us to adapt it for our own use .
28 ‘ We 're grateful to Guisborough for allowing us to share their ground , but our fixtures are coinciding with theirs and we have to rearrange some of them . ’
29 Repeatedly we had cursed ourselves and our schools for allowing us to think we 'd grasped maths , physics and so on when now we could n't remember any of the important or useful things .
30 With the leave of the House , it remains for me only to thank the Select Committee on Energy for allowing us to hear the Government 's reply .
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