Example sentences of "i know [prep] no " in BNC.

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1 He is looking for that quality which you must allow me to call ‘ modernity ’ ; for I know of no better word to express the idea I have in mind .
2 Yet I know of no picture in which the mid-day heat of Midsummer is so admirably expressed ; and were not the eye refreshed by the shade thrown over a great part of the foreground by some young trees , that border the road , and the cool blue of water near it , one would wish , in looking at it , for a parasol , as Fuseli wished for an umbrella when standing before one of Constable 's showers .
3 I know of no world champion boxers who stand rooted to the spot .
4 Behind the geniality and the ebullient showmanship , something ‘ passionate and austere ’ — I know of no other testimony which strikes that necessary note so firmly .
5 On a clear dawn or a copper sunset I know of no other mountain which has quite such dramatic appeal .
6 I know of no natural movement you could reinforce . ’
7 I know of no one who could spare her that , who could make a tasteful picture , but You .
8 I know of no religion so fundamentalist as to dispute the facts up to this point .
9 Despite one doctor 's comment ‘ I know of no specific evidence to show that aromatherapy is of any real clinical value ’ aromatherapy can indeed be practised on a clinical or down-to-earth scientific level .
10 I know of no plans by the British nuclear industry to abandon reprocessing or to store fuel for 100 years .
11 For example , racehorses abort all too frequently , which is particularly galling after a large stud fee , but I know of no accurate information about the comparative frequency of abortion of the four types of conceptus ( horse , donkey , mule and hinny ) .
12 But I know of no other performance that encapsulates the charmed essence of this infuriatingly diffuse music with such surety and projection .
13 Whilst I know of no specific legend attached to them , the Tingle Stone and the Twizzle Stone , both in Gloucestershire , are very suggestive of just the sort of effects which have been reported at standing stones in recent years .
14 Other than the three I have described , I know of no muzzles that have any claim to efficiency .
15 I know of no authority for the proposition that an ordinary crime committed in the House of Commons would be withdrawn from the ordinary course of criminal justice .
16 I know of no other cichlid anywhere in the world with a comparable tail pattern , and we have no idea what has led to its evolution in this species .
17 I know of no fencing of the type you describe — and even if there were , you would be spending a lot of cash to install a feature that you plainly would not want , were it not for the heron 's attentions .
18 ‘ But I know of no sociological survey that shows that .
19 Hunter ended his description with a comment on Maria and a hint as to his charges to Martin Van Butchell : ‘ This body … yet promises exceedingly well , nor do I see any great improvement to be made ; a number of experiments must be made before I embalm any other body , such as finding the exact proportion of moisture Paris Plaister will take up etc. but at present I know of no other Process at all useful and considering the trouble you must have during all these Processes now laid down , you ought not to undertake it under 100 Guineas . ’
20 I know of no Lord Paramount of Scotland save His Grace David the Second , King of Scots . ’
21 I 'm sorry , Mr Spratt , that I know of no cure for either her disorder or yours , except , perhaps , tolerance .
22 I know of no watch or clock movement that follows that sequence .
23 I know of no art gallery in which the president of the board is the museum director , the curator and the person in charge of the renovations of building and the art school .
24 I know of no very explicit discussion of how this could come about , in evolution or in individual development .
25 This remains the standard today — and I know of no other country in the world , including the USA , that keeps its accident investigators at such a high standard of training and efficiency .
26 I know of no animal of its size which can disappear so completely as an otter !
27 I know of no scientifically valid calculus that would enable to do that , and in any case the project would be stultifying .
28 Robert Roberts recalls that the Scuttler 's girl friend also had her own style of dress — ‘ clogs and shawl and a skirt with vertical stripes ’ — although I know of no other references to female attire , and as usual within these hooligan preoccupations attention was rootedly fixed on the boys .
29 I know of no authority which supports it .
30 I know of no instance , and counsel were not able to find one , where power is conferred on a junior minister .
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