Example sentences of "i 've come [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you please , ’ she said , ‘ I 've come to ask you something .
2 " I 've come to ask you for money , my lord .
3 I 've come to ask you a favour . ’
4 I 've come to ask for help , ’ he said .
5 Now I 've come to confirm it .
6 I 've come to drive you home , Benny , ’ he said .
7 ‘ Father Confessor , ’ ( bowing ) ‘ I 've come to confess my sins . ’
8 ROBBIE D' you think I 've come to confess again ?
9 ‘ That 's what I 've come to put right , ’ said Karelius , nettled .
10 Now I do n't see that there 's likely to be any connection , but since we 're up against a brick wall in the Stavanger case , I 've come to pick your brains . "
11 I 've come to claim my dance . ’
12 but , then the next morning of course when Wendy got home she 'd been down my nephew 's looking after the kids for them and erm , and said we 've come to arrest you , and no , oh Rachael said oh mum there 's a police car pulled up outside , so she said , oh my god do n't tell me they 're wrong and it is Tracey , cos Tracey 's left home , she 's gone to live with her friend and erm , anyway , when Wendy got to the stairs she could n't go in , she could n't go any further and she said erm , when , when the policeman said Mrs I 've come to arrest you , she just about said Christ she said what have I done ?
13 THE GALLEY SLAVES : I 've Come To Kill The President
14 ‘ The reason why we wish to purchase the property is that we obviously are n't happy to have a business concern operating in the midst of a residential area — which is why I 've come to open negotiations by making you an offer . ’
15 Tom thunders , ‘ Who the hell are you ? ’ , and I try to tell him I 'm Albert Fyles and I 've come to take the place of his regular caddie .
16 I 've come to take you in .
17 Tommy says : ‘ I 've come to take your stereo . ’
18 I 've come to take you to her . ’
19 ‘ Actually , I 've come to take you all back home . ’
20 I 've come to take you away from all this . ’
21 I 've come to take control of this ship , Mr Hands , ’ I said , ‘ so please remember I 'm your captain . ’
22 I 've come to take you back to London , ’ Roman said .
23 I 've come to take you to dinner , ’ he announced calmly .
24 I said , that , erm , begrudgingly I must admit , I said , you gon na stay overnight , no , no , I 've come to take you both out to dinner .
25 I 've come to use the fair as promotion , and I think everyone is returning to this idea after the end of the bonanza period . ’
26 ‘ Oh , ’ he said , wearily , ‘ I 've come to collect my mother .
27 Sorry to interrupt , I 've come to collect the packet .
28 I 've come to collect my car , but I just could n't drive off without first coming up to apologise for my behaviour last night . ’
29 I 've come to declare the father to you .
30 ‘ To help her pass these exams is the very job I 've come to do . ’
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