Example sentences of "i think [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This , I think as the under-11 team nips past to finish , is more like what cross-country running was really meant to be .
2 I think as the first part of their trade campaign .
3 Then I saw the top tier of the cake and that has got to be the er piece , piece de resistance I think as the French say and I know that some very exciting ideas are coming out of the South East region .
4 Indeed , the evidence we have from cognitive psychology of the overwhelming predominance of the unconscious over the conscious parts of mental processes suggests that consciousness may be as peripheral to the central information processing activities of the brain as the whiteness of this paper is marginal to the semantic content of the words printed on it , which are telling you what I think about the mind .
5 I think about the milk this morning , how it froze and it was n't in a fridge or nothing .
6 I think about the carpet that 's got to be laid , and I must clean those windows tomorrow …
7 You know , when I think about the fashion world of the Fifties , I have the feeling I remember something of the planet Mars . ’
8 I think about the year that 's gone past , perhaps , people who 've passed out of my life , and think of it as a new beginning , and I wish as Scots that we would hold on to it and perpetuate that tradition and get away from gathering around the T V in Hogmanay .
9 ‘ What I see when I think about the past … ’
10 ‘ When I think about the past , ’ he said , ‘ I see us .
11 No I tell you what I think about the the govern government .
12 I think about the last ones that was taken there was an old man Ramsey that died at er Dalvaine , and they carried him out that way .
13 I think about the same time as Walter for the war was declared when we were down there on the third of September .
14 I think about the aliens quite a lot .
15 I think about the mood of Greece ,
16 I think about the half-drafted minute lying on my own desk , on a lower floor in the front of this same building , about the arrangements for Sunningdale .
17 I mean obviously once she 's been through the learning process herself , so Doug came away feeling quite pleased that he 'd made that contact and he also sort of made one or two , he , he had one or two wise observations I think about the evening , he made one or two new contacts himself and the suggestion and things , he spoke very well about it , at our committee on our last meeting last week
18 That was the other thing I think about the Festival programme which I think was a bit embarrassed about is the fact that all that information is in such teeny tiny writing
19 In another school , which is er , locally managed , we are I think about the only school in the county who have decided to employ our own caretaker and our own cleaners , and , and in fact the latitude that gives us , has really allowed us to do a lot more in that school , erm with the staff and the staff are happier .
20 I think about the only nicknames that my mates have got
21 It 's remarkable because we 've been talking about Twickenham to you ever since I think about the second round , and in those days it just seemed a little bit of a dream , but that dream is now just eighty minutes away is n't it ?
22 He said : ‘ I think under the circumstances I 'd better keep silent . ’
23 I think under the circumstances that would have been very unwise . ’
24 See a certain percentage have blown in I think off the grass and if I had some sort of a
25 erm Novelists in this country , it seems to me , are drawn from a much narrower social band , and you can not have this ethnic richness , this melting pot richness , erm that American fiction has very clearly demonstrated I think since the Second World War .
26 I think at the time the RAF had more volunteers than it could cope with and much weeding out was done , but in his case he blotted his copybook good and proper by doing a bit of unauthorised low flying over a south Devonshire town , frightening all the old ladies .
27 I think he just figured he would n't do it — he 's in this big rock band and would n't think of doing it , although I think at the time Phil would have !
28 Phil : Well I would say that if I had my life over again I wish and hope that everything happens the same , and I think at the end of the day Becky had been the cream on top of the cake …
29 Certainly the request of staff then could turn into of the panel erm but but I think at the same time if people want to look at the structure so that they have a complete view of the structural organisation
30 In terms of offering prisoners a range of opportunities to address their offending behaviour and to take up erm an interest or activity which will channel them into other activities , I think at the moment we do less of a good job than we will two years down the line , I think the emphasis now is very much on opportunity and responsibility
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