Example sentences of "i have [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I have no strikingly original view of machines and consciousness to offer , nor shall I present a survey of the views of those in artificial intelligence ( AI for short ) who have discussed their relation , for the simple reason that there are none , at least in the sense of well-articulated philosophical views .
2 I have no further comment to make . ’
3 Everything happened so quickly that I have no very clear recollection of what actually took place .
4 I have no more .
5 It 's nice to get back to Bishop 's Castle Railway tickets , but I am sorry to say these are the last you will see as I have no more suitable for reproduction in the Journal .
6 As I stood hesitating in the doorway , Miss Kenton appeared at my side and said : ‘ Mr Stevens , I have a little more time than you at the moment .
7 I have a little less time for ‘ Mr ’ Gosse since my encounter with Ed Winterton .
8 I do n't think that even though by next year I would be a bit better of in the sense that I should have sold my house bought something cheaper and have some capital invested so that I have a little extra monthly income .
9 Yes , yes I do n't think that on our next buy , what with the next year I would be a bit better off in the sense that I should have sold my house , bought something cheaper and have some capital invested so I have a little extra monthly income , I should be living in somewhere that 's cheaper to run
10 In the tank I have a newly acquired pair of Lamprologus brichardi and a pair of Neolamprologus multifasciatus .
11 As I told you , I have a jolly good tuck-in at the school lunch . ’
12 I have a most urgent appointment — at Merchiston Lodge . ’
13 In the first place I am happy to say I have a most comfortable ship the ‘ Parsee ’ ’ although a small one 350 tons Barque with a commodious poop , no steerage passengers and not more than ten or twelve cabin p[assengers] .
14 Unlike the Right Honourable gentleman , I have a most excellent Chancellor , an excellent , a superb
15 Unlike the Right Honourable gentleman , I have a most excellent Chancellor , an , he 's superb
16 I have a strictly limited choice of action , and the extent of the choice is determined for me by the constraints of my physical environment .
17 I have a slightly different interpretation of the present policy .
18 It 's because , I have a rather large
19 I have a pretty good idea of how you see me . ’
20 I have a pretty fancy lay-out up at Woodside .
21 I have a pretty good idea what Charlotte 's just-a-handful of also ran last-among-equals might be , although the press release does not name them for fear of diminishing the glory of Verbier 's triumph .
22 ‘ I think I have a pretty accurate picture of what goes on around here . ’
23 If I ask an engineer how a steam engine works , I have a pretty fair idea of the general kind of answer that would satisfy me .
24 Oh well I think I have a pretty good yeah , that 's pretty good this morning that .
25 ‘ This will be the last time I have to diet because I have a completely different attitude towards my body and the food that I eat . ’
26 I have a particularly intricate brief to master .
27 The positive things that have come out of the divorce are that I have a much better relationship with my children and I can read a book in bed and not have a jealous partner by my side trying to prevent me .
28 Well I have to say that as a result of last night 's session I have a much healthier view of Hydro Electric and I do so would I have got that from the programme ?
29 And I have a really nice little part-time job at an optician 's .
30 But he also knew I have a hard bitten , tough as old boots , ice cool and unemotional image to keep up .
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