Example sentences of "i had [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 BELVILLE : I had rather so than perfecting my Pamela in it .
2 I was so unhappy but I had nowhere else to go so I stayed until the baby was born .
3 Then they put us in the Fleming Hospital in Newcastle , me and the bairn , because I had nowhere else to go .
4 I had nowhere else to go and now I was being carried along — that ship bound for wrecking .
5 Well you see I had here well I , I , this is , this is a fell and this is here .
6 Was he , as I originally suspected in Salamanca , an FBI agent or working for the CIA ? ft was a mystery I had no longer any wish to clear up .
7 Even if I had no longer been able to see the real images in my mind I could see their representations as clearly as if they hung before me , and the two were beginning to run together .
8 I had also just complimented her on her dress .
9 I had also never before been without a pattern to the future , and I was starting to realize that it might not all be quite so easy as I had imagined .
10 I hoped the exploration would go well and that the cancer would be confined to the kidney I had already rather sadly signed away .
11 I had just over forty pounds in the bank and not much prospect of raising another bean , but the silly man 's attitude had made me so angry .
12 I had just about reached the stairs , when suddenly a white door to my right burst open and a group of students tumbled out , shrieking with laughter .
13 I thought I had just about run the gamut of sexual experiences , but nothing like this had ever happened to me before .
14 I had just about run myself dry of duff funnies regarding the trusty Smith and Whatsaname .
15 I had just about enough , and added one or two others , and we decided to go ahead with it . ’
16 I had just as much percentage in attracting that plane if it had been humanly possible .
17 Andrew Ridgley and I had both just come from school about nine months before we took off with WHAM !
18 I had never consciously associated with what is called complementary medicine , and as the reader will have discovered , I have had little to do with any form of medicine .
19 Of course we have books on herbs and mediaeval remedies , and my middle daughter is a vegetarian who grows her organic vegetables in the form of the letters CND and recycles her night soil , but I had never consciously meditated , relaxed , watched my diet , had any particular way of eating , consulted an acupuncturist , nor thought in holistic terms .
20 I had never previously been to a race where this had happened but the race jury undoubtedly made the right decision .
21 ‘ The truth is that I had never even met him . ’
22 In fact I had never even imagined life without fat so it was something of a challenge to create a very low fat diet for myself , first of all , and then for my slimmers — a diet which at the same time as being very low in fat included all the necessary nutrients .
23 I often wished later that I had named Trotsky instead , because his principles were more in accord with the way I felt about the place by the time I left , but at that time I had never even heard of him .
24 It suddenly occurred to me that I had been so busy enjoying myself on the Mantela that I had never even opened either of them .
25 It seemed dreadful that I did n't know whether I loved him or not , that I had never even thought of it in those terms .
26 Quite soon after the note , I began to suspect — what I had never even thought about , for some naive reason — that I might be pregnant .
27 They pointed me towards writers I had never even heard of , let alone read .
28 I had never even seen a Muslim — apart , of course , from on the television , and the ones I had seen there — I will be absolutely frank — did not seem a particularly inspiring bunch ! ’
29 I had never even been on a hat-trick before , ’ said Henderson .
30 Faussone talks about ‘ the way we bent our elbows ’ — an expression ( for eating or drinking ) which I have heard spoken in English , but which I had never before seen written down in a book .
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