Example sentences of "i look [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 right , and I look over to Roger and Roger 's flicking through his notes like this and as you , you were peeping through and he 's trying to find out what , what he 's talking about , they 're not looking at each other and anyway at the end of it , er we went through it and at the end of it he turned round and went how was it , what were you playing at , what was that spiel that you gave it 's in my brief , that 's one of my objections
2 If I look up to the blue sky , as yet I must when it is blue and bright suddenly , it is in spite of the heavy limb and relaxing back that will drag me down or cause me to hasten home .
3 I look up to my brother , what he says goes with me , so that really hurt .
4 Even now as a manager he 's still very passionate about it and I look up to people like that . ’
5 I look up to one particular drug dealer .
6 As I look back to my inner training in prayer , I see an early stage when it consisted of asking God 's blessing on myself and those I loved , then through a stage of mental meditation , and finally a merging into contemplation , which did not need words , but a silent awareness of the presence of God , which sometimes continued for a quarter of an hour or more .
7 And I look back to the Alliance days and Dr Owen 's flirtation with elements of Flatcher of Flatcherism , pardon me .
8 I look back to the works .
9 when I look at Lindsey and what she 's doing at the minute , I look back to my own life at her age
10 Who do I look up to ?
11 Corporal Vigno held an African baby in one photo , and I looked over to where he was talking with Corporal Auriega .
12 I looked over to the corner where a pretty girl with long brown hair and freckles was sitting .
13 As I held it , I knew if I looked over to the bed he 'd be there , hands behind his head , stealing , this time , an image of his widow .
14 I looked over to the side wall where the postern gate stood and went cold with terror .
15 I looked around to my right , Chauvet , one of my friends of French Commando , was leaning against the side of the truck , a large smile on his face .
16 And I looked up to the air and saw the air in amazement .
17 I looked up to the skies for no reason I can now remember , probably a spot of rain or a ray of sunshine .
18 It was only when I looked up to my right and saw the board that I realized I had come to the right place .
19 I know that as the younger by a year or two I looked up to Andrew ; after all I was an inexperienced young man from a small prairie town , while Andrew had been to Europe !
20 I looked up to Valerie and Lesley when I was a kid and I hope today 's youngsters will see me as a role model . ’
21 I looked up to him , he was the big brother that I should have had .
22 We have lost the man who I looked up to and the greatest British droll comedian this country ever had .
23 I looked up to Les .
24 I looked out to sea , almost as though I expected to see a puff of smoke and a beast with a forked tail appear from the darkness .
25 From the top of Flinter Gill I looked out to the Howgills and across to where cloud shadows were moving across Dentdale and over Rise Hill .
26 From there , I looked out to sea .
27 The next morning , when I looked out to sea , there was no ship .
28 I looked back to the arrow on the tree , then crawled another foot .
29 When I looked back to the Mimosa there was no sign of him , but the door was open .
30 I looked down to Mick .
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