Example sentences of "i only had [num] " in BNC.

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1 I only had four laps practice so I suppose I did all right finishing sixth .
2 I borrowed fifty P off her the oth , I was going up the school , and I only had four fifty for the I needed fifty P but I did n't have enough change like .
3 Mines ‘ ANTISCUM UNITED ’ … well , I only had 5 mins to think one up … : -p
4 The Sabena flight out left Edinburgh well over an hour late , so I only had fifteen minutes or so for my Naples transfer at Brussels .
5 I only had six tablets . ’
6 that 's what I said to mum , you know , that 's why I so wanted to pass me , me test , cos I said to mum erm , see I kept it , I only had six hundred quid redundancy , six hundred and twenty eight pounds , that 's all I had , apart , I had me wages what was owed and me holiday pay , but my , me actual redundancy cheque was only six hundred and twenty eight quid
7 I only had two .
8 When we got outside I said I could n't very well offer him one I only had two left in the packet
9 I only had two .
10 I only had two !
11 I only had two kings !
12 Cos I wanted three hands and I only had two .
13 I only had two left .
14 I suddenly felt an immense relief that I only had one more charter to complete for Cutwater , and that I would then be free of these men .
15 And I only had one scene with him .
16 I I I only had one one illness in my life until last year .
17 I only had one stillbirth .
18 and had narked and sparked at my comment I only had one decentish pair of black shoes for meetings and/or interviews and I have remedied that now back here using X 's advanced ( if a little critical ) birthday money .
19 When I went to the bus I realised I only had one bag instead of two so I rushed back but no-one had seen the bag in the pub or the shops .
20 I mean I only had one bad knee but then this time I got two .
21 I was like one , I was like half way through the tape and I had , I only had one name to go
22 I only had one candidate round
23 I only had one ski , and I could n't walk down .
24 After that we became disinterested in each other and I only had three weeks to the deadline , a last-minute decision to make , but I suppose I 'm one of the lucky ones because my parents were behind me all the way .
25 Well he said , Alright , he said , I 've made arrangements for your baggage to be picked up and you 'll stay with me in New Rochelle , and he was going away and he slipped me ten bucks cos I only had ten pounds money .
26 I only had twenty four hours ' notice and then I sat up all night learning a speech and then dried flat at the audition .
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