Example sentences of "i think [art] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Should should I think the the the tax erm priv private private tax advice gain is the is the education with her .
2 Cos I I thought the the pit was quite well known for being a poor poor payer .
3 I thought Collimore had good break three against two and I thought the the ball he should have played he should have measured a ball into er Kingsley Black 's stride .
4 I thought the the restaurant was quite expensive so I 've bought a sandwich in the shop instead .
5 No I thought the the limit was higher than that .
6 By this time they had purchased a building which had been I think a a bank or a savings bank or something at Street in Porthmadog .
7 Er that 's basically I think a an approach which the County Counci er which the public at large has er has found acceptable .
8 Erm I think the the the two objection sites , D thirty nine and D forty , are suitable to a greater or lesser extent , physically suitable , for development .
9 But I think the the where we lived er er there was this woman that was well known for doing , and she lived in a very tiny house .
10 I think the the the density
11 And I think the the local touch if you like of the principal beat officer , er shows itself on occasions like that .
12 But I think the the the hardest thing is to accept the fact that he is God .
13 Erm I think the the biggest problem we had in our marriage , and the reason it broke up , is because er I 'm a a mixer and I love to get involved .
14 I think the the concept I want to get across is that the design of the application does not constrain the way that you implement , firstly a client server technology and secondly the use of your chosen relational database management system .
15 Erm no I I honestly do n't think that er that the the problem is as big as as big as you you say it is and I I think the the structures are there to deal with that and if if people had you know if people used them then they would they would work and they from time to time that they are used and you know it it is not impossible to get rid of rid of a teacher in in the way you are suggesting .
16 Well I think the the overall housing figures which were contained in the approved structure plan , made up of a range of sites and allocations .
17 I think the the position of the County Council is twofold .
18 I think the the answer to that is that the reference e should be made to the village making a significant contribution to the development needs of Greater York , be it housing , employment or comm erm social and community .
19 The may maybe I just comment on that that last that last point , which as I understand it it the the justification for a new settlement is brought about solely by increasing the requirement for Greater York to twelve thousand seven hundred , going through those figures there seems to me , for instance , for both Ryedale and Selby to be more provision than could be met in a single settlement , I I think the the figures put forward by Barton Willmore are more than can be met in existing allocations and a single new settlement of a reasonable size .
20 Er , sir , at the risk of straying slightly into into two B , you , do forgive me in advance , but you raised the specific point about size , and and erm there was er one or two statements that there is n't a a clear view on size in P P G three , I think it 's important to bear in mind the interrelationship between all P P G s and as Mr Curtis said , the research that that backs them up , and I I I point you to three quotes in the statement that C P R E have put in , erm i i i paragraph four point one seven , an and s the quote that attaches to that is taken from the research that erm er backs up draft revised P P G thirteen , transport , and erm I shall quote from that on this question of size , i it is also evident that smaller settlements , those with populations of less than fifty thousand , but particularly very small settlements are characteristically less transport emissions efficient than larger settlements , I think the the erm essence of of that particular piece of research is not as Mr Davis was implying to achieve totally self contained settlements , I do n't believe such a concept exists , it 's actually erm a planning land use in the long term to reduce C O two emi emissions something that is essential now to government policy , I think perhaps more instructive though is is the quote that I 've in included in paragraph four point one nine and that 's taken from er er this book here which I perhaps should submit the whole chapter in evidence to the panel , I 've only just included one quote , it 's it 's I suggest one of the more interesting reads that you may have as a result of this panel , it 's by Colin Ward , and it 's called New Town , Home Town , it 's undertaken by er , sorry includes some of the work that 's been undertaken by the University of Reading , erm and er David Lock Associates , on erm er new town research , and this this is due to be published by H M S O shortly , it 's unfortunate that it was n't available in time for this E I P , but I think erm , if you 'll bear with me , I will read out the quote that I put in four point one nine , because I feel that it is useful on this question of of size , we concluded that if you are interested in environmental impact , energy conser consumption , and sustainability , new settlements have to reach a certain size to be worthwhile , it 's parallel to the old arguments that used to take place around self containment in new towns , we found that new settlements of much less than five thousand houses , that 's about fourteen thousand people are not really worthwhile because if they are smaller than that you are simply putting a housing estate in the countryside , a phrase that that has already been put round this morning , it appears that the best minimum for a new settlement , the best minimum , is about ten thousand houses , that 's that 's twenty five thousand people , which as it happens is about the size of the original garden cities .
21 I think the the the B W the Barton Willmore analysis appears to overlook the fact , and again Mr Jewitt referred to this when he referred to Easingwold , that settlement evolves over time , and and nobody seems to be addressing the point that that fourteen hundred , fifteen hundred , two thousand houses , however many it is , wo n't appear over night , erm er th it would take some time for that to be to be realized erm and as part of that there 's no clear view as to when the services will come along that are that are necessary to give that community the balance it it said it requires , erm , Mr Timothy from Wood Fram Frampton referred I think to a figure of twelve fifty dwellings for a viable new settlement , and there were plenty ex of of examples , quote , erm that one could look at to see that was the case , erm I I 'd be interested to know where those examples are an and what there make up erm is .
22 It er it , we , certainly the expansion of Tadcaster has been looked at quite thoroughly , though not only by the local authorities , but by the private sector , and the , and I think the the agreement has been that it it is not possible at the scale which is required to meet the needs of Greater York .
23 Sure , but on that , then we get the benefits of scale , and I think it 's it 's a well proven scheme , and I think the the evidence is there , that it is
24 I think the the truth of the matter is that what the committee needs is this information that we 've got in front of us .
25 I I know that you 're going you that that that you may suggest that er my view it 's not capable of being assimilated but I think the the the basic view I have to put forward to you is that it is not necessary .
26 I think er I think the the points er in terms of the of the initial statement and summary of the position covers er most of the points that have been made .
27 I think the the county council 's made its position fairly clear , hopefully particularly clear .
28 I think the the problem that we 've already tried to address today is how to calculate the need .
29 Erm in in the context of Greater York , should you wish to base your recommendations on er such a change , erm I do n't believe that would cause the County Council any problems , and you heard from round the table that I think the the districts are quite happy on on that score as well .
30 So I think the the Eurofighter team has learned from the mistakes that were made originally in the allocation of the work and the way in which it was handled and they are now putting it right .
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