Example sentences of "i go [to-vb] with " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Jones 's response was ‘ No way am I going to agree with that . ’
2 I 'd start my shift and think ‘ What am I going to do with the boys tonight ? ’
3 At that time it was but one element in the whole decision-making process of what was I going to do with my life .
4 Women who I had attacked for bringing up boy children wanted to know if it had been an immaculate conception or simply parthenogenesis , and what was I going to do with it if it were a boy ?
5 What am I going to do with Balwinder , who has finished already ?
6 ‘ What am I going to do with this lot ?
7 ‘ What am I going to do with you , Carol ? ’ she said .
8 ‘ You mean what am I going to do with these guys , or what am I going to do right now ? ’
9 What am I going to do with the results ?
10 What was I going to do with a 50 seater coach ?
11 What am I going to do with it while I run into the lavatories to wash my hands … ?
12 No , no , that would n't worry me , I just , I said when we got rid of our other sideboard let's do without one and then I looked round and thought well what the dickens am I going to do with all this stuff that we 've got and I just found that we could n't do without it .
13 ‘ Debauched little madam , what am I going to do with you ? ’ he teased , and in a few minutes had shown her very definitely what possibilities he had in mind .
14 Like you know I had to think well what the hell am I going to do with her now , you know , and , you know , get her out of this mischief , and out of that mischief and you know , from bashing her baby brother up , and you know .
15 I go to fetch with Herr Peckham the quail and cutlets , ’ Heinrich declared grandly , if dolefully .
16 ‘ When I went to live with Celia I asked her to find me work — voluntary work ; I have always wanted to help others . ’
17 So I got about twenty records , ten packets of tea , Tropic of Cancer and On the Road , and the plays of Tennessee Williams , and off I went to live with Eva .
18 They analysed it and found that it was mud , a piece of clay , y'know , but them not being all-forgiving , they suspected that I was using drugs , y'know , so they kicked me out of home and I went to live with my grandmother and then I had more freedom there to do as I pleased and hence started going to pop festivals and things and enjoying them and getting off on them and mixing with that whole subculture if you like .
19 I took him , though , and I went to live with some friends .
20 ‘ Miss Debrace is the daughter of the family I went to live with after I left Maythorpe House . ’
21 ‘ Altar boy , then , after the British hanged my father in nineteen twenty-one , my mother and I went to live with my old uncle who was a priest in Belfast .
22 I went to live with my aunt and uncle . ’
23 I went to sit with Kalchu and the children by the remains of their fire .
24 so I managed for a few weeks and then I went to lodge with my sister at Trimley
25 ‘ In the late afternoon , ’ wrote Evelyn Waugh in his diaries , ‘ I went to stay with the Betjemans in a lightless , stuffy , cold poky rectory among beechwoods overlooking Wantage . ’
26 And yet , though I feel so sure that we shall spend a lovely but short time together somewhere alone , yet when I think calmly I grow despairing , for if I went to stay with you , anywhere in the same house and alone , nothing would induce mother to believe me really innocent and pure in heart .
27 It was not difficult to arrange because I went to stay with the same farmer with whom I had spent the whole of the previous year as an evacuee .
28 The second time I tried to come off was when I went to stay with me sister and I took her DFs and just stayed in , y'know .
29 It 's the one my friend gave me when I went to stay with her .
30 Then I had a boyfriend and I went to stay with him .
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