Example sentences of "i say [that] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I say that chuck over 's good you know !
2 As for the point my hon. Friend raises about the Opposition 's attitude to legislation , it is up to the Opposition to speak for themselves — and I say that knowing that they will do so honourably .
3 I say that to show that the payments are ludicrously inadequate — £6 last year , £6 this year and presumably the same next year .
4 I say I usually use celery but I say that grows wild in the school , so we use that
5 I says that 's got ta be Warren , it could n't be anybody else , so when I come down I went off like , well I tell ya I ca n't do it , so I knew it was so I picked up the wrong she says oh I 'm just ringing because you can see what the weather is she says and you could n't go and do a day in erm , with your
6 There 's my red pe , I says that did n't say it on the list but I just wrote it on and need milk one red pepper !
7 Frankly she goes , she goes yeah he 's alright she said but he 's too two faced and I said that does n't sound like him , I said I thought he was quite nice and she goes yeah well he is she says he says one thing to you and then you find out that he 's said something completely different and you hear another side of it .
8 I said that sounded reasonably sensible .
9 Well , she tells me that she is going to throw Shaun out because Shaun is boring , er , Don put her , Shaun she has no respect for she says because he has n't got a job , he wo n't get a job , he wo n't work , and she said to Lee what did I think of the idea of taking Pete back , once they were properly divorced take Pete back just as a lover and I said that sounds to me to be a very good idea , I said then your not at his mercy because anybody who 's at Pete 's mercy will suffer , his got a very nasty streak , his got a nasty snide way of putting things .
10 I said that challenged to explain how he could mean the same , since he could n't conceivably experience the Sun in the sky on the Sun , he might produce an argument from analogy to justify the generalisation of time-of-day language to the Sun .
11 well that 's five hundred quid , I said that leaves you with
12 , I said that looks nice does n't it ?
13 At the beginning of the presentation I said that has really erm grown through recognition of its leading edge technology and its leading edge relational database management systems .
14 On hearing of this from Dick Crossman , I said that to have lost such an opportunity was unforgivable !
15 I am happy to repeat in this House an apology to the Chief Education Officer of Birmingham Mr Tim Brighouse for anything I said that offended him .
16 I said that to understand this difficulty one has to think along certain lines .
17 ‘ Did n't I say that letting them learn to read was a bad idea ?
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