Example sentences of "i i [vb base] it " in BNC.

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1 Me me me eat it .
2 and how easy men have it , you know what I mean , a little bit of you saying oh yeah , yeah , yeah that happened to me I know it could
3 They did n't give me methadone , they just gave me I think it was 30 milligrams of Librium and two sleepers of a night time … .
4 Ooh who told me I think it came from Great Grandma and then told her .
5 I I I take it a great er , challenge now , I 've only ever lost three delegates , only three delegates ever walked out on course on me , so , do n't , you know , do n't ruin my
6 I I take it that honourable gentle right honourable gentleman is making an implicit criticism of his colleague the Secretary of State of the environment er , er and the Home Secretary who has responsibility can produce figures for England .
7 There is a oh I I take it he 's got ta go for another assessment then has he for
8 I mean I I know it 's so c
9 Erm I I know it was in the context of a a question you posed to him that er if he had in fact er accepted the County Council 's housing figures er that would have been an appropriate hundred and twenty two hectares would have been appropriate er on the employment side .
10 The only other thing that may be an answer to the question is erm I I know it seems an about face but are we gon na say that er the other two sergeants that are now managers become A L O's and use them in that capacity and train 'em up .
11 And I I mean it was absolutely gorgeous .
12 Well I agree I I mean it it is a bit hypocritical really just to want all all the the show and everything you know if you 're not really sincere in those promises you 're making .
13 The Skinner seminar , as far as I can remember , you 've got ta bear in mind I I mean it must be eight nine years ago I probably read Skinner in earnest , yeah ?
14 I I mean it 's ever so difficult to resist the temptation
15 Well I I mean it does n't matter to us as far as that goes as long as they are erm
16 And I I mean it was absolutely gorgeous .
17 I missed the end of that , I I hope it 'll come back on again cos I enjoyed it .
18 I mean I I try it once but shoot everywhere though !
19 Yeah well I I remember it was more a it was more or less like a feeling of physical revulsion er I felt erm on occasions like that , partly because of the person but partly because it was a bit of an imposition on on my on my intimacy as it were y'know erm so er
20 Er , the comment here the way that I have been used to doing these I found that I I like it and the kids can
21 Well I I like it .
22 But now , I I like it , I do n't why .
23 Now one of the things I think we need to do , And I I I put it in there and it 's pa it 's part of my appraisal system , is to do some work on actually entitlements to training .
24 Sir it dealing with drainage matters , I think there 's general agreement from Yorkshire Water that the preference is the new settlement should drain should should either g be within I think I I put it detailed figures in my in my statement .
25 I watched half of it last week , as soon as you told me off I I put it off .
26 Excellent so you 've already got percentages sorted out there , can we just look at the next block of words , and hello , hello , right , no , yeah well I , yes I I think it all went great , unfortunately erm , so I really ca n't really consider on , on that .
27 I I think it 's important , especially for for young women up to the age of about thirty five when your peak bone density is probably attained and after that you , you do go downhill , to maximise the calcium intake .
28 Well I I think it 's er too rowdy !
29 Erm , I I think it 's less a problem to be thought that men hate women so much it is alright to be rude about women .
30 I I think it 's quite wrong er , the way the elderly are treated , that they
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