Example sentences of "i have [det] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ May I have some time ? ’ ‘
2 I had little time for more than a quick glance round the room .
3 This reinforced my interest in the subject , but as I soon became involved in postgraduate studies in busy medical , surgical and then paediatric units I had little time to pursue it at that stage .
4 Amid all these shattering events I had little time to try to find out what had happened to Eric .
5 However , I had little time to waste on Maté .
6 ‘ It 's alright , but I do wish I had more time to myself . ’
7 In the days when I had more time to spare I would read any book I could lay my hands on and particularly enjoyed anything about foreign lands .
8 They would wait until I had more time .
9 I wish I had more time for reading ; it means a lot to me . ’
10 I went out to the theatre and the opera a lot , and when I had some time off , I was usually able to get away somewhere .
11 I had some time off while I was working in Los Angeles and I was down by the hotel pool .
12 If I had some time on my own with them I might squeeze something out , but I 'm inhibited in front of the neighbours .
13 When I was in the U.S. recently for the Walker Cup match I had some time to read their golf magazines , watch television golf and talk with some of the golf club members of my father-in-law 's country club .
14 Listen if I had enough time I 'll tell you the joke of a life time mate , but I have n't got the time .
15 I 've more time for other beauties , ’ the young man responded and squatted comfortably , his back against the turf bank .
16 Not that I 've any time for him any longer — going on like that when his poor wife was near her time . ’
17 Not that I 've any time for that widow of his .
18 She heard that : — — Papa is grown stout and has need of bigger trousers but Mama cries he is more handsome than ever and so do I. I have little time my Lily to write because I am put to Latin with the Abbe which is sore hard work and gives me the headache .
19 The status sub-text here is ‘ I have little time to talk to you ’ or ‘ I 'm a person who is very much in demand . ’
20 She said : ‘ I just want to make sure that , when I commit to it , I have enough time .
21 I have some time to spare and would like to sit down and read my copy of the biography of Berlioz .
22 As a result of that I 'm learning more now than I ever have , even though I have less time in which to do so . ’
23 Probably this curiosity will be quite superficial , he thought to himself , as it is in me until I have more time to spend on it .
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