Example sentences of "i have seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It had started to snow , the first I 'd seen since leaving Toronto .
2 Then the old porter I 'd seen on my first visit shambled across the hallway , teapot with no lid in one hand and a bottle of milk in the other .
3 I put a hand into the language space and drew the briefcase to the front ; and it was of black crocodile skin with gold clasps , as I 'd seen at Nottingham races .
4 But fascinated as I was by these aquatic birds , I longed to see the falcons and owls I 'd seen at the zoo flying free , and this is a rare occurrence .
5 But it explained the 100-franc note I 'd seen at Ma Scamp 's and , come to think of it , the wad of francs I 'd spotted in Bill Stubbly 's wallet when I met him in the bank .
6 It was the first airedale I 'd seen for years , maybe the first since the two that shadowed my childhood .
7 ‘ Until the blunders it was one of the best games I 'd seen for a while . ’
8 the kitchen was piled up , I , I , Dinda took my suitcase upstairs , I 'd seen to the dog , he was very , very good in the car as you know er , I took my suitcase , I could n't get through the bedroom door , the bed clothes on the floor where it 's , where we 've had a sudden hot spell , he had n't folded them up
9 I was a trifle nervous when I remembered all the films I 'd seen about weddings .
10 The grooms on the train were all younger , thinner and from what I 'd seen of them in their uniform T-shirts less positive .
11 Maybe I was just a provincial or something , but I began to see that I was among the strangest audience I 'd seen in that place .
12 It was the corniest , happiest , most affectionate movie I 'd seen in years .
13 Only the diehards used them now , that was the first one I 'd seen in captivity for some months .
14 ‘ I 'm not Superman , my dear , ’ he made her bruised chin immediately better with that warm-sounding ‘ my dear , ’ ‘ so what else could I do — and I own that I was n't thinking at all too clearly — but appeal to the pride I 'd seen in you ? ’
15 Although Iceland had changed some years before to driving on the right , the bus which was well past its sell-by date — was right-hand drive ; the first bit of England I had seen for three weeks .
16 Although she had never shown even the remotest sign of lameness I was looking at the worst case of hip dysplasia I had seen for some time .
17 The fields and clouds were the same as those I had seen for the last half hour .
18 An enormous boxer hurled himself on me in delight , clawing at my chest with the biggest , horniest feet I had seen for a long time .
19 That was important , but much more important for me was the message that crofting , which I had seen as a hang-over , an anachronism , had enduring values I had not previously recognised .
20 It rekindles memories of those old-fashioned Hollywood romances of the Thirties and Forties that I had seen as a child .
21 I had seen into paradisiac regions , with their air and sky , and I was no longer wholly or merely a denizen of this vulgar earth .
22 I moved round behind his back , until I had seen into every part of the room .
23 The nearest thing I had seen to this were monsoon drains in Malaya : deep , concrete channels meant to take away storm water , but which usually lay like mantraps , just under the flood surface .
24 Earlier that evening we were visited by Brigadier Mills Roberts , accompanied by several senior Officers , whom I had seen on occasion at Petworth in Sussex ( Commando Group Headquarters ) .
25 According to a picture I had seen on the wall of the Royal Hotel , this Priory had been founded by King Felin O'Connor of Connaught , whose burial place it became .
26 Indeed , my father 's face had gone a dull reddish colour , like no colour I had seen on a living being .
27 I remembered the black tents I had seen on this same spot on my first visit .
28 I told him that ever since listening to my father 's vivid descriptions of Constantinople I had always wanted to visit the city , but that I had been sadly disillusioned by the Turks I had seen on my way to the Embassy ; they had looked so incongruous in second-hand European clothes .
29 ‘ For me , I was in the place which I had seen on a globe as a girl — where the pin went through it !
30 And now our small party showed the same intimacy I had witnessed in all the random groupings I had seen with a recent experience of Machu Picchu behind them .
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