Example sentences of "i [vb mod] rather [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I am now standing outside a gate , outside a window , looking into a life that does not belong to me , and I should rather look away .
2 I should rather keep company with Mrs Frere .
3 I should rather like to have an opportunity of putting to the Prime Minister some of the arguments in favour of handling business through Cabinet Committees .
4 The only complaint — and she was not really complaining against her uncle , perhaps I should rather say the cause for depression — was that from time to time she was very homesick and longed to see her mother and girls of her own age . ’
5 I should rather say it was something he inadvertently let fall that led me to believe there might be a legal case to answer . ’
6 I 'd rather face up to things alone .
7 I 'd rather face the Moor , starvation and anything else , than see Manfro Draper again .
8 If they do come at us , I 'd rather face 'em out in the open .
9 I 'd rather throw her off the Empire State Building !
10 What we need is to find a safe place soon , and I 'd rather succeed in doing what we can than fail to do what we ca n't . "
11 At first we just made conversation , but after a couple of drinks Reid looked at me thoughtfully , twiddling his half-empty glass , and said , ‘ There 's no reason not to tell you this , Kit , but since we 've got to work together , I 'd rather explain my mode of living before the old cats on the island — the European gossips — start telling you stories .
12 I 'd rather carry on in my own sweet way , and I 'd rather be in Stockholm .
13 But I 'd rather admire you and your friends than stones on a wall . "
14 That whole shopping trip was something I 'd rather draw a veil over , not because it was mildly larcenous ( okay , illegal ) but because my street cred would be severely dented if the saga got out .
15 I 'd rather handle the negotiations myself . ’
16 I 'd rather sit and do something like sewing even if it might be monotonous to someone else .
17 Given a straight choice , I 'd rather sit by a slug .
18 ‘ I must confess I 'd rather sit on and view the passing scene . ’
19 I 'd rather fantasize on that .
20 Now with regard to that I 'd rather feel that were gon na be called on before then , because of the rumours about our own hospital .
21 I presume serfs are still living there and I 'd rather break in than see innocent people die of hunger while — ’
22 Then I thought stuff that , I 'd rather go to Ibiza with my literary agent , Alison , and take some Ecstasy .
23 I 'd rather go home , but I du n no how to get there , and I do n't want to get lost .
24 I 'd rather go to bed and read . ’
25 Well I 'd rather go with grandma , rather than my mother . ’
26 ‘ I 'm not afraid of falling off , look you ; I love riding , ’ cried Deborah indignantly , ‘ and I 'd rather go home on horseback than by car .
27 I 'd rather go back to work , ’ said Sarah .
28 I realised Michael could save me maybe five years of work , but I figured I 'd rather go slow and steady than to go fast and have it all fall apart .
29 ‘ But I 'll tell you this , I 'd rather go 12 rounds with Lennox Lewis than face a 25-yarder from our full-back Clive Freeman !
30 I 'd rather go to bed with you than see round any house , ’ she said .
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