Example sentences of "i [vb base] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And then and then like you know and then she went off in a mood cos I cos I go to let's me sit opposite you like hinting like oh I do n't want to sit there .
2 When I back there I am sure I will have changed to a certain extent and I hope it will have helped to develop my managerial skills . ’
3 Somebody 's slipped over and they 've got all the grit in their knuckles in the part of their knuckles and you want to bandage the hand or there 's a cut on the hand , even on the palm , we can do that one later when it 's really , when it 's really a gash , gushing blood we can do this afternoon , I repeat again none of these which you 've done this morning will control severe bleeding , get it into your heads this is just to cover to keep infection out , alright , these are not to control severe bleeding just covering a minor wound or a graze , right ?
4 Let , let us leave it till then because I mean otherwise we 're gon na get bogged down in this and whe when we really are briefing procedures .
5 I mean otherwise he should n't be the Managing Director , he should n't be the Chairman of the Board .
6 But if he 's wrong I mean you ca n't just come back and be contentious if you 're wrong cos I mean otherwise you know it 's , it 's of no pr of no work .
7 But I mean otherwise it 's got all the , all the good points in there , it 's a pity that councils do n't have these meaningful names
8 Yes , yes I mean unconsciously they will happen
9 Well er I mean eventually we 'd have to think of something .
10 I mean either they opt for a family , or they opt for a job .
11 I mean either we 're not there or there 's too many of us there .
12 but surely , but surely I mean surely they 'll be able to restore the housing benefit
13 I mean surely you could have a point eight for crystal and still solder ?
14 Well I mean surely it 's , that 's the point now is to try to make a fair erm law and one that is ideologically erm designed seeing we 've got to power , or we 've got certainty of obtaining power , therefore land ownership has got to be land ownership which has been capitalism Marxist
15 I mean surely there are people in the careers ser
16 I mean honestly you 'd have thought they were building a ruddy house there would n't you ?
17 I mean nowadays everybody has vitamin pills whether they need them or not .
18 I mean nowadays you 'd have a Thomas splint on it you see ?
19 It 's an interval you 'd never see but I mean theoretically you could have that .
20 Well , I mean indirectly I suppose .
21 I mean luckily you , you know , you 'd gone on a car , with a car so it 's a matter of throwing everything in the back and just going
22 I mean you buy it you 're not gon na , I mean alright you 're gon na have a bit more grown but you 're only gon na get a bit more muscly .
23 I mean alright she , we have n't phoned each other but I mean the thing is half of her she 's just so naive with mother .
24 I mean increasingly we see that we 're , we get more constables here more constables there , but they do n't ever appear to be actually out on the streets , and until we can get more men on the streets with the deterrent effect that their appearance has , let alone anything else , we are not gon na get much further .
25 I mean generally they you know , I , that 's one of the things people cut back though is n't it ?
26 I mean anyway she 'll be home again .
27 Yeah but I mean anyway I du n no I just get really pissed off with Catherine .
28 I mean I 've filled in a few forms for them but I mean probably you 're a passive owner like me in the sense that I do n't go and actively trade them , er I keep them in a long term investment , and that 's it .
29 the thing I mean just she never
30 I mean just you know the the sort of , Well look er you know it does n't mean I wo n't respect you and I do n't love you and all that sort of thing .
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