Example sentences of "i [vb base] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 One minister I know objected so much , he once declared during the words of institution : ‘ I take these elements of bread and Ribena . ’
2 It 's really flipping cold today , so I get dressed as quick as I can .
3 He adds sadly : ‘ It 's impossible for me to go on a quiet date as I get recognised everywhere and asked for autographs . ’
4 Hold my hand , Miguel , in case I get blown away ! ’
5 ‘ The thing I get asked most about the Stealth is why there 's an ‘ aux in ’ socket on the front .
6 I expect Sinbad feels that as I 'm in the last few months of my final year , she 'd better pack me with as much experience as possible before I get whisked away to act staff nurse in some ward .
7 My children do n't like me going out after dark in case I get stabbed again .
8 That means I get done twice !
9 I get carried away , but I must learn now it 's the big league .
10 I get carried away . ’
11 I get carried away , I suppose .
12 I get carried away .
13 ‘ And OK , I get carried away like today when the pigs wade in and start throwing their weight about . ’
14 I get carried away . ’
15 Meanwhile you and I get paid worse than his housekeeper and the fucking union writes to ask me to send them money !
16 be soon after I get married then wo n't it ?
17 More subtle effects on mood are indicated by a quotation from one of the subjects : " I get discouraged more easily , slightly depressed about overcoming difficulties , very much like when I am sick with a cold . "
18 I 'm under more strain than I was — I get upset more quickly , my mind 's often in a turmoil . ’
19 I feel bound however to say that , although I am well aware of the existence of the boundary , I am never quite sure where to find it .
20 I feel done today .
21 And he stressed : ‘ I feel wanted again .
22 Some of them say , ‘ It has been a terrible blow ’ , or ‘ It 's like a gaping wound ’ , or ‘ I feel torn apart .
23 Oh I feel shattered today .
24 I feel frustrated rather than embarrassed , because I want to prove myself to Celtic fans .
25 The minister we had taking the service yesterday morning I think felt as much on trial in Salisbury Park
26 But then what happened it was so successful for and I think got so greedy on it they decided to go an American
27 They are missing out on a lot of talent in people who I think put more into their job . ’
28 Environmental discounts and our comments on those are in relation to a concept , I think introduced largely by er the House Builders Federation .
29 I 've searched everywhere for her .
30 I 'm not even sure that I 've decided yet . ’
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