Example sentences of "i [vb base] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 but did it look authentic with the thing , I mean not to the extent of
2 I shall expect you always to be dressed by dinner time and whomsoever I bring home to my table you 'll be in readiness to receive .
3 I sit down to the table , and watch me , real men are n't like that are they ? and it locks
4 ‘ Once the truth becomes apparent , nephew , ’ explained Richard of Gloucester , and I judge there to be no further danger of a rising to place another on the throne or appoint another as Lord Protector , Vaughan and Rivers shall be released — and no harm done . ’
5 I expect soon to be engaged , you see . ’
6 I slip round to where my hand finds the iron handle .
7 I sleep close to the stove . ’
8 However , I say again to the House — and especially to Government Members that they should ask questions relating to the Prime Minister 's responsibility —
9 ‘ I 've had to keep it quiet for good reasons , and if I say much to Marc he 'll really go up the wall .
10 I wish Kelvin was here ah ah ah Oh I hope the tape recorder can pick this up , because , erm The wind keeps coming at me I do n't even though why I 've come sho oh yeah , I wan na buy something , do n't I ? so what I say now to people , when they say something to me , I go I go and I say no actually I 'm not but never mind .
11 Anyway Mr Kobold suggested that I press on to Manchester tonight . ’
12 That makes it strategically important that I report back to Earth Central , Defries thought , and of course it also makes it highly unlikely that I 'll survive to do so .
13 I report back to the hotel room , defeated .
14 So I head downstairs to the Pleasure Dome , a wood-panelled room that shows Dutch movies with spurious plots .
15 I stand up with a sigh , like any husband coming home from the boozer , and I head back to Rachel with whisky on my breath .
16 No I nip over to the shop and get it from near .
17 And turning to his colleague he said , ‘ Charley , keep an eye on these buggers while I nip round to the station . ’
18 I nip down to Engineering and borrow a remote ( must keep tabs on things in London ) , then set off for the circus .
19 If I hold on to these things they go , and if I let go of them they go , and so my life goes .
20 Not while I hold on to my cottage , there is n't .
21 I bend down to the coke .
22 I squelch upstairs to the flat after my half-hour walk , and Kenneth answers the door with his specs on the end of his nose and the now permanent book in his hand .
23 I pointed Armstrong towards Regent 's Park but after Chalk Farm I cut through to Islington and down York Way to the Waterside Inn .
24 ‘ Hang on here , Jackie , while I cut up to the farm and ‘ phone . ’
25 The lads I put on to it had to look behind every one of those bloody paintings for a wall safe .
26 I would remind Ben that I put up To Bolt or Not To Be , a widely recognised 8b/c , in November 1986 ; that I have since climbed more than 20 routes of this level or more ; that I repeated the roof at Volx fairly easily in 1990 ; and that I have since put up two more 8cs — Huevos in 1991 and Macoumba Club recently at Orgon — in addition to Just Do It .
27 At this stage the fish were all a dull brown which I put down to the new environment — the photograph I has seen showed a tan coloured upper body smothered with black patches .
28 No I count up to ten , I keep getting up in the middle of the night to weigh myself
29 I leave Darius shuffling in the litter while I ease up to the bedroom and try on a smile like when the pink Panther gets caught in a scrape .
30 That 's why I object strongly to the Office 's plugging me in as an Automatic Nurse for one night ! ’
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