Example sentences of "i [vb base] my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He puts his free arm around me and I hide my face in his chest .
2 I hide my face , laughing into my hands .
3 She permeates me like scent in a room when the lid is liked and the petals stirred , never a memory occasionally summoned but , so totally that I am unaware of it , forming the very fabric of the structure from which I gain my substance .
4 And the first thing you can do is fetch water so that I may wash off the city dust before I change my dress . "
5 In June I change my tune ,
6 Yes , I mean , just say going back to , I 've actually got a map now included in the diary , and a picture of where I live and where the depot is , and so I change my journey by day , and quartered it down .
7 None of my previous assistants has ever suggested that I change my style of management , and I can assure you that I have no intention of starting now .
8 I 'm going to wait before I change my car until you 've got your own car and then I
9 I think about going after him and asking him , but I change my mind .
10 Mr Langford has left the matter open until Friday in case I change my mind , but I wo n't .
11 Take it to the nearest station and get the Hell out of here before I change my mind about carting you .
12 I go curly I get jealous I act reasonable I change my mind .
13 I shall look a damn fool if I change my mind now . ’
14 And she said , ‘ George Dionisovich , at the moment I do n't want to sell them , but if I change my mind I 'll let you know ’ .
15 ‘ Get out , the pair of you , before I change my mind . ’
16 ‘ Quickly , before I change my mind and break every bone in your disgusting body ! ’
17 Now you 'd better get out to where you are going before I change my mind and dash upstairs into Great-gran 's room and tell her where you 're going first , before you join your men pals .
18 Before I change my mind .
19 The fight back begins now , I commend my report .
20 I commend my report .
21 President , congress , with these few brief remarks I commend my report to congress .
22 I commend my report .
23 Congress , we 'll appreciate the significance of this situation and I commend my report .
24 I commend my report .
25 A lot depends on what point I sell my house if I
26 A self-uglifying expression of humility — plus an elaborate show of stealthiness which is as good as saying ‘ Yes , I am late — and please pay attention to my performance of humbly not wishing to be paid attention to ’ , i.e. Here 's me entering as unostentatiously as I know how — so you can see how much I regret my rudeness ! ’
27 New pastures indeed and I regret my lack of education in historical bibliography .
28 On reflection I regret my use in In re R. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Consent to Treatment ) [ 1992 ] Fam. 11 , 22 , of the keyholder analogy because keys can lock as well as unlock .
29 I repeat my view , which is shared by my constituents , that a squalid and cowardly decision was announced last week , spelling out the fact that there is one law for those with a voice in the Tory party and another for the ordinary individual in the urban and rural communities of Wales and England .
30 So splendid that I declare my godchild is an absolute motto . ’
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