Example sentences of "i [vb base] not really " in BNC.

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1 I suppose not really erm
2 Well I suppose not really .
3 The same shipowner had no doubt about its additional , and more important purpose and declared in evidence to the committee on the repeal of the Combination Acts : " They are first of all ostensibly , and I doubt not really , a society united for the purposes for which benevolent societies are usually united .
4 I do not really see Ezra Pound in Rapallo , ’ Max Beerbohm told me .
5 THIS is such a delicious offering , of the kind that makes you chuckle in recollection on the way home , that I do not really want to give the game away by saying too much about what goes on .
6 I would like the same amount of performance as from the petrol engine therefore I do not really want a Land Rover Diesel .
7 I do not really like being touched by a stranger since I had been mildly attacked as a child , but something told me this was no casual greeting .
8 When the over ended he took the umpire aside and explained ‘ I have two artificial hips and I do not really know where my feet are going to land ’ — he was given a special Man of the Match award .
9 As I do not really wish to purchase a new knitting machine until I have a ‘ practise ’ run I was really pleased , that was until I found out it was no longer available .
10 I do not really remember
11 If I order someone to clean their boots when I do not really believe that this should be done , then my order is insincere , and flawed ( condition 1 ) .
12 I do not really accept the underlying assumption about a ‘ culture ’ of shared norms .
13 HIS great courage and imperturbable COOLNESS in the face of what must at times have seemed to him to be insuperable odds WAS , I must confess — although I do not really like him — quite UNBELIEVABLE .
14 I have to confess , for what it 's worth , I do not really like Lewis Carroll , Alice through the Looking Glass , and Alice in Wonderland , they bore me stiff !
15 Mark 's getting registered as a disabled person , which should help speed things up , but I do n't really know , I reckon the world just wants to forget about us . ’
16 ‘ Thank you for trying , ’ I said slowly , ‘ but I do n't really see that there 's anything you can do to help .
17 I do n't really know .
18 And I do n't really know what to say .
19 And I do n't really know what to say .
20 Marie likes to ask me about my family and that , but I do n't really like talking about that much — except Annie , that is .
21 I do n't really mind .
22 I do n't really hear Marie cos I 'm thinking .
23 I do n't really like his drawings — it 's mostly words and rude pictures .
24 I do n't really know what 's going on , but everyone 's arguing about summat .
25 I do n't really know what to say , so I just look at Marie .
26 I do n't really like Mr Jackson being in here — I du n no why , but it 's sort of private — you know , just me and Marie 's like .
27 I do n't really understand what he 's doing , but it 's OK to watch him for a bit .
28 I hope she ai n't going to ask me a question — you know , like where summat is , like the ladies or summat , cos to tell the truth I do n't really know my way round here .
29 I do n't really mind , cos it looks so nice in the sun , but I 'd rather it was n't so blummin cold .
30 I do n't really like the geese .
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