Example sentences of "i [vb past] something about " in BNC.

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1 I stammered something about not understanding cricket , totally incredulous that anyone should suppose I did understand it , or that I should regard the English side as ‘ we ’ .
2 I learnt something about myself , I learnt a little bit about how members of the class view me , certain physical characteristics which are habits which I try to stop .
3 I learnt something about it in the past yeah
4 I thought the best thing to do was spare Oliver 's blushes , so I murmured something about getting off to work .
5 I muttered something about helping and followed her out .
6 I muttered something about not wanting to trample over the very different memories they must all have of Conor , talked a little about the family 's surprise at finding that their son had such an extensive social and business life .
7 I heard something about this chap disappearing when I was here at the weekend .
8 I heard something about this he said , er I was on holidays all last week he said but erm it 's bloody lies cos I saw him last week .
9 I s I heard something about somebody was talking to me about it a little while ago .
10 I knew something about Catalonia but nothing about Andorra , except that it was a tiny independent principality , one of the world 's smallest countries , set high in the eastern Pyrenees .
11 I knew something about the bird life of the islands , having read articles about the rare and endangered Seychelles kestrel and magpie robin , but it was a chance encounter in — of all places — the Falkland Islands , that inspired my partner in Island Holidays to seek out more information .
12 ‘ I 'd spent two years at Stanford University Press , so I knew something about price ceilings . ’
13 And of course er I knew something about America , my mother had been there and er we had some c I had eighteen first cousins in America when I went there .
14 I dreamed something about a castle made of stone which is not stone … ’
15 I think it 's time I did something about getting out of this damnable situation . ’
16 He drank my drink because I said something about all the money he was always flashing around and then he made a dirty crack about …
17 I said something about the political climate in the Argentine having changed since the Falklands War .
18 Well , I tried to turn it into a joke — not a very good one , I admit — but I said something about that party game called consequences , you know where everyone writes down innocent things that get strung together because nobody knows what the others have written and it gets all mixed up so you get a silly story with a stupid ending .
19 Andrew I said something about stiff right , and he goes what ?
20 Well I 'm , I 'm the same , I was talking to Rob the other day and er , I forget how I mentioned it , but I said something about , oh I think it 's because I was saying why do n't you come up like this week because he 's off this week , and er , he was making some excuse or other , oh I 've got three weeks off in the summer , oh I 'd sooner come up when I 've got this longest spell off , you know , and I want to get this chimney done and blah , blah
21 so I said something about last week , you see , and I could of , it was my birthday last week and , but er , and I carried on , he said oh go , oh I 'm sorry mum , I 'm sorry about that and I said do n't matter , does n't matter , well I thought , right I 'll let him know
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