Example sentences of "i [vb past] it [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The 12 year old who started an account of a woodwork project by writing " When I made it I used glue and a tenon saw " failed to appreciate that it had not been established textually .
2 But even as I made it I knew my accusation was ridiculous .
3 See and they got a Monday this week , a Tuesday next week , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , that 's how I made it you see .
4 Shows you how I made it you see , but now
5 bottle of wine and I drunk it you see , watching the match , and Jim done the dinner I said fuck it I 'm having my dinner in here cos , did n't it go into extra time ?
6 He said : ‘ If I tell you where I sold it you are going to go to those people and I wo n't be able to sell to them any more .
7 that 's what I said to ya and you agreed with me , that 's why I got it it 's inch and half thick er wide , by half inch thick , it 's under there .
8 N well I , I , I had , why I was so positive about it , I had an uncle who had it very badly and as a child I was very aware of his hands , they were quite inhuman looking , they were that shape , and you know everything he did he , he had to that and that 's remained in my mind that when I got it I though I wo n't have the hands like that so I r I w I go , I went to sleep , I still do it , every night , spread my hands , the last thing I think about , spread the hands .
9 As soon as I tasted it I knew it was serious
10 So , but when I tried it it
11 Fortunately , however , a few weeks before I found it I attended a lecture given by a Dr Peter Herring , of an oceanographic research institute based in Godalming , on the subject of marine bioluminescence .
12 If I changed it they 'd probably convenient .
13 As I approached it I noticed a beige Renault outside with military markings .
14 As I approached it I reached out my talons to land and perhaps the prey I was holding obscured the view for I should have seen sooner what had been put on top of the post by Men .
15 And one day she had this other map , and I do n't know where she got that either , or what happened to it She only showed it me the once , and after that whenever I mentioned it she did n't know what I was talking about It was made of something absolutely rigid but incredibly thin .
16 If we are listening to a story and somebody says So I ate it we may well know the meaning of it from somewhere earlier in the story .
17 I filled it I put six pound on , put six pounds in on Friday and I 've got loads left .
18 But when I played it I thought that in some of the climaxes the original twenty-three strings were too few to make a full effect .
19 and erm when I , when I installed it I was very pleasantly surprised , at the basically at the number of useful little applications that they threw in with it .
20 I do n't know why I showed it you for !
21 But last time I climbed it I started at Wall End Farm and headed up the ravine of Redacre Gill .
22 When I opened it I was surprised to find Mrs Phipps and Mrs Woods .
23 When I opened it I found neat bundles of fivers , each one with a Bank of Berlin band around it .
24 So I taught it him at the piano — we had over one hundred sessions .
25 Now the way I figured it I had six realistic options .
26 I should be able to find that , even in the dark , and if I followed it I should stumble over the painter , or the dinghy herself .
27 When I heard it I just could n't believe that someone had written it .
28 After I heard it I went out and found an early news-stand . ’
29 It , it was a two bedroom old cottage it was , very , very nice with a big garden and all I had was erm one room downstairs and like er a kitchen , well er where the sink and that was it was more like a big room where the kitchen was and the two bedrooms upstairs , but only a door on one bedroom , you went up the stairs into a big open room you know where the bannisters all round you know what I mean , no door on it and just , another door , a bedroom door , that 's all but I loved it you know it was a nice erm , not bad , but of course it was condemned it got so old and then they pulled it down and they built another house on it right next to where erm that shooting took pla you know they was having that shooting night just down that lane where I used to be
30 But I loved it you know !
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