Example sentences of "i [vb past] she would " in BNC.

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1 Probably too weak ; and , even if she was n't , I expected she would just let me crack my skull on the pavement because women like to see men helpless .
2 To make life easier for us all I started to teach her a few commands , but I found she would obey any order before it was given .
3 I was worried , of course , but I assumed she 'd explain herself when she came back .
4 The staff left Ingard House at five.thirty , and I reckoned she would be home soon after six .
5 I 'd be anchored where I reckoned she 'd get a little shelter from the bay in which she lay , but with a gentle south-westerly and no sign of any break in the weather , I was n't worried about her , and took the easiest line ashore .
6 and all of a sudden I developed she 'd be on the phone going , I 've just eaten mussels with vinegar in them .
7 If she had seen the man I loved she would have thought him a figure of fantasy too .
8 ‘ I know it sounds awful but I felt she would criticise what I did and how I looked or try to organise me .
9 I felt I could ask questions , I felt she would n't mind .
10 And I … well , for all that happened , I felt she would be safest there . ’
11 I felt she would be at home in an arena with starving lions .
12 Unconsciously she put a note of hope into those half-scandalized questionings , because she knew I knew she would never be happy if I married .
13 Even though I knew she would soon be in England , I also knew that she was n't going to live with us but with my cousins in Nottingham , and I guess I was sad about that .
14 ‘ She 's poisoned you against me , I knew she would . ’
15 No , I knew she would n't do such a thing .
16 At one time I would buy a bottle of whiskey and pour it all over me before going home because I knew she would n't try to argue if she thought I was drunk .
17 I knew she would go on .
18 ‘ I told her where the door was , because I knew she would keep the secret . ’
19 She had no travellers ' tales , no air of a person who had been on a journey , and I knew she would be both disbelieving and resentful if I should try to describe the eternal vistas I had glimpsed .
20 It was too bad of me , I knew she would do the decent thing if I put it like that .
21 I waited for her to bring up the subject of Graham 's murder because I knew she would have been very upset .
22 She merely snorted , as I knew she would , and stared moodily at the blank of the comm .
23 ‘ She 's quite a cricketing fan herself , so I knew she would n't mind . ’
24 I knew she would . ’
25 ‘ Why lucky ? ’ she asked , as I knew she would .
26 I knew she would n't be asleep after what you 've been putting her through . ’
27 I knew she would n't go .
28 Oh , only the ones I knew she would n't have .
29 I knew she would be .
30 Cos I knew she would n't come near me .
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