Example sentences of "it might [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is important that the children should be able to play freely in this way , and again although it might be appropriate to talk with them about the materials beforehand or afterwards , if a model has been completed , a great deal can be learnt simply by observation .
2 And with Venus in the area of the far off , it might be appropriate to set your sights on pastures new .
3 Lastly , where there is a reluctance on the part of the client to involve relatives , whether siblings or adult children , it might be appropriate for the social worker to become more directive , and take the initiative in this negotiation .
4 With the new season now on top of us , it might be appropriate to expand on the new laws and to try to give the intentions behind the changes in certain areas .
5 Perhaps the most difficult decision , where it might be appropriate , is to use the face ( or the voice ) of a celebrity or , in particular , a TV , radio or film personality .
6 It might be appropriate to ask the Mental Health Act Commission to provide a second opinion on such patients at the end of their first three months with the power to extend the time for free treatment .
7 It might be appropriate to make such a program interactive , allowing it to interrogate its user on difficult facts concerning expressions .
8 If some project comes up during the course of the year , I would have thought that it might be appropriate to erm er cobble the name of centenary onto it , but I do n't really think that this year we just commit ourselves to something just because there 's a hundred years of parish government coming up .
9 At this point , it might be appropriate to spend a few moments on a specifically Scottish aspect of the Bill .
10 It might be appropriate to give the European Parliament rights of confirmation for Commissioners , and it could be worth considering giving the Parliament rights of recall of Commissioners as well .
11 It might be appropriate if the receiving agent appointed is also the registrar of either the client or a target as appropriate .
12 It might be appropriate if the receiving agent appointed is also the registrar of either the client or a target as appropriate .
13 In particular , it might be appropriate to delay the start of the course to September 1990 , rather than 1989 .
14 In 1976 , in response to a White Paper on devolution to Scotland and Wales , the CNAA commented that it had always been sensitive to the specific conditions and needs of Scotland , and that it might be appropriate for the CNAA to set up a Scottish Committee .
15 Thus , for instance , if a business has a particular customer with whom it will do a lot of business , it might be appropriate to negotiate special terms for all contracts between the business and that customer .
16 Since it is largely new , it might be appropriate to concentrate on the last chapter which " offers a reading of some very different Shakespearean plays " ( p. 196 ) .
17 It would be impertinent to say that to N C V er , to I B M , but it might be appropriate to say it to some of the less enlightened firms , or , should John be taking a similar line , in other words , how interventionist would you like either government or N C V O speaking on behalf of the vol voluntary sector to be , in pressing the business sector to have an overall and agreed strategy rather than the individual and enlightened strategy you put forward .
18 As finance director David Nash stated : ‘ In view of the short time since the standard was issued , and the fact that most forecasts have been prepared on the existing basis , we were concerned that it might be confusing if this presentation was based on the new format .
19 I do n't think I 'd want it in the house , it might be confusing if I walked into a gloomy room with it
20 It might be straightforward like that one .
21 It might be helpful to take to your solicitor a form of words to cover your gift to ACET and we suggest the following : ‘ To ACET of Paramount House , 71/75 Uxbridge Road , Ealing , London W5 for its general purposes ( one of these alternatives ) : ’
22 The size of the venue , therefore , is one of your first considerations and it might be helpful here to divide conferences into two types : Open and Closed .
23 They are terms which you will encounter in the study of crime and deviance and it might be helpful to define and discuss each at this stage .
24 It might be helpful for you to pray together as a couple for God 's direction .
25 Before allowing her own words to express her story , it might be helpful to speak of the policy and practice of nearly all missionary societies fifty years ago .
26 In order to clarify the two uses of ‘ positivist criminology ’ , it might be helpful to use the term ‘ biological positivist ’ to distinguish the founding fathers from the more general category .
27 It might be helpful at these times to have more staff available and less at others .
28 However , you decide that it might be helpful to ‘ warm up ’ to Le Carré by translating a few extracts to get the hang of his unusual style .
29 It might be helpful to look back and see what might have caused our present ills — the ‘ British sickness ’ as it is called abroad .
30 In depicting higher education as a cultural experience , it might be helpful to take a historical approach .
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