Example sentences of "it still [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately it still contained the foot ! ’
2 Check as there may be insurance problems , but do n't be put off , or how about getting a dealer to supply a cardboard mock-up of a car and using this , it still grabs the attention .
3 Stalinism is dead politically but it still dominates the security and state apparatus .
4 Although laws were passed in the 1960s , reducing the share of United States ' capital in the firm , it still remains the major shareholder .
5 … naive social realism in a minor key … a potentially crippling form … it still remains the case that present-day discussion of British fiction is strongly influenced by a widely-held conviction that we are dealing with a literature in decline .
6 That is to say , it still remains the case that men of all social origins have become more likely to be found in service-class positions and less likely to be found in working-class ones .
7 It still remains the case that something between 50 and 60 per cent of all regions in the Community lie within 15 per cent of the Community average per capita GDP .
8 Despite this increase in size , and the fact that regional aid can contribute a significant input of resources to any particular area , it still remains the case that the extent of Community regional assistance is small , amounting to just 25 per cent of the total EC budget by 1992 .
9 It still remains the case pace Freeman that a literary text like King Lear is not definitively explicable .
10 I fancied that except for a few corrugated iron roofs it still looked the same as when he had been here .
11 It still scares the shit out of me .
12 Trim off icing around the base , but let it still cover the drum slightly .
13 Okay , so it still takes the best part of an hour to move the next ten paces past passport control .
14 It still had the power to turn the stomach , that whisper of shifting allegiance that Thorfinn himself had picked up weeks ago , and that Dunegal of Nithsdale 's hurried warning of danger had seemed to confirm .
15 The interior of the farmhouse had been opened out into a reception office , though it still had the original stone floor and a pretty impressive fireplace in the middle of one wall .
16 Among other features of the road it is interesting to see how it still forms the northern boundary of Kirtlington Park , to the east of the Cherwell , and the southern boundary of Tackley Park , on the other side of the river .
17 It still forms the centrepiece of most Westerners ' meals .
18 In this case it still forces the COPY device to read each file in turn .
19 It still behoved the middle class trader to play fair with his customers and not take advantage of good-natured country parsons and ignorant members of the labouring classes .
20 But it still obscures the fact that it is women who are raped .
21 It lights up but it erm you turn to the regulo love and it still stays the same level which is you know , sort of you know , little .
22 And although the technology is different , it still involves the use of mercury .
23 The Truro banker William Praed invested £19,400 in the Grand Junction , and even if it was on behalf of clients , it still represented the mobilisation of savings from a county 300 miles from the canal .
24 That sum may seem like a lot of lei ( the Romanian currency that purchases next to nothing abroad ) but it still left the Romanians treading a financial tightrope .
25 But it still left the question of who had been ringing her .
26 Although Hampshire Bus 's successor , Stagecoach , in what we were told was splendid entrepreneurial fashion doubled its money in a fortnight by selling the coach station , it still left the problem that some people wanted to travel by coach .
27 There is little doubt that it was the labour shortage which caused the shift to leasing , but although this provided more revenue than persistence in demesne farming would have done it still left the landowner with reduced resources .
28 But the ideas in it still form the core of the Russian government 's alternative economic plan .
29 You see , I found the collar of the lap dog and it still bore the Deveril 's family motto : ‘ Noli me tangere ’ .
30 We slept heavily ; it still seemed the middle of the night as we rose at 5am in order to reach Tarbert in time for our ferry .
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