Example sentences of "it was [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The idea that England was an ‘ Empire ’ was not new : it was asserted in a letter from Cuthbert Tunstall to Henry VIII in 1517 : ‘ But the Crown of England is an Empire of hitself … : for which cause your Grace werith a close crown . ’
2 However , if it was expanding at more than a certain critical rate , gravity would never be strong enough to stop it , and the universe would continue to expand forever .
3 It was expanding in all directions .
4 Yet although attempts were made to assure the British public that telephone-tapping was conducted in the most exceptional and in the most highly controlled circumstances , it was suspected by some that the practice was very different .
5 Her body was drenched with sweat ; it was glistening on her legs and she felt moisture beneath her on the seat .
6 In Liverpool , where it had a branch , it was condemned as an organisation " whose administration is in the hands of boarding masters and which fails to inspire the respect of the labouring community " .
7 Poland was condemned because it was not a proper nation-state , but it was condemned for its efforts to become one .
8 It was condemned for its ‘ two-dimensional characters ’ ( Mayne 1961:316 ) , lack of ‘ moral passion ’ ( Bergonzi 1961:297 ) , lack of profundity ( Price 1961:332 ) , ‘ misanthropic spleen ’ , and smugness ( Hope 1961:1486 ) .
9 It was condemned by the English bishops , who found twenty-nine heretical propositions in it .
10 Within two years it was condemned by the Commission of Enquiry into Disturbances appointed by the Labour Government as ‘ out-moded at birth ’ .
11 It was widely believed that Exxon did not intend to restart the cleanup operation in the spring , for which it was condemned by environmentalists , the Alaskan state government and the local population of the Alaskan town of Valdez .
12 Kirner , a former state Education Minister and the leader of the party 's Socialist Left parliamentary faction , was considerably further to the left than her predecessor and , whilst her election was welcomed by the state 's strong trade union movement , it was condemned by the opposition Liberal Party and the business community .
13 It was crewed by Larsen 's ten burly mates .
14 It was crewed by amateur sailors and one of them says adjusting to ordinary life has been difficult .
15 He stared wildly up at her cage roof but though it was buckled by the fall of the tree branch it was still intact and she could not escape .
16 In addition to the splitting there has occurred some penetration of very thin plates of bone such as occur on the scapula ( Fig. 1.4N ) and some breakage of the borders of such bone ( the scapula illustrated here was not modified in any way before it was exposed for weathering ) .
17 Each man was struggling to fill the hollow that had opened inside him , to bridge it over with some kind of reasonable structure while saying nothing about it as though afraid it might crumble if it was exposed to the light .
18 Robin-Anne had her mother 's fair hair , so fair that it looked bleached , and she had her mother 's delicate good looks etched on to a face so pale that it seemed as though her skin must burn if it was exposed to anything more powerful than a light bulb .
19 The ‘ bomb ’ was sent 700 miles south to Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico where it was exposed to a beam of muons produced in the laboratory 's particle accelerator .
20 It marked the end of the long process of transformations — starting with the seething leaves of the plant , then the reeking green stage of the first steepings , and the sulphurous yellow stage of the liquor before it was exposed to the air , then binding with the air , it gradually turned to blue .
21 This fraud caused much confusion until it was exposed as the result of bibliographical detective work by A. W. Pollard , Sir W. W. Greg [ qq.v. ] , and others .
22 The Chiefs of Staff did not want to do this , and the Defence Committee was worried lest the Korean conflict should divert attention from other danger-spots in Asia and blind Britain to the risk to which it was exposed in Europe .
23 Close investigation of the lode , where it was exposed in Thriddle Scar high above , suggested that it was hading , 18 inches for every fathom in depth , away from the advancing heading !
24 It was fractured with a solvent-cleaned chisel , and the outer orange layer discarded .
25 It was maintained with local support for the next three years , then in 1975 it acquired a three-year grant from the Council on Learning Resources ( CLR ) .
26 It can also be suggested that it was contradicted by another case heard shortly afterwards but which concerned homeworkers not casual workers ( the " Gardiner and Taverna case " ) which was resolved very differently .
27 And a fire officers car was also damaged after it was rammed by a gypsy vehicle .
28 The German government , citing cost and changed security needs following the end of the Cold War , confirmed on June 30 that it was to withdraw from the multinational European Fighter Aircraft ( EFA ) project .
29 He accepted it when it was explained to him in the right way .
30 It was explained to me that over the years all the planes on the green sward had landed by mistake , assuming that it would be solid enough to allow a take-off .
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