Example sentences of "it is also because " in BNC.

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1 And if , as so oft en , ecstasy obliterates the specificity of the landscape which simultaneously enables and absorbs it , this is not only because ecstasy is of its nature blind ; it is also because what we repudiate remains with us as partial blindness to what we embrace in its stead .
2 It is also because the choice of vocabulary is determined by the subject matter .
3 But it is also because their own specialist interests have led them in other directions .
4 This is not just because giving practical expression to such broad objectives in any meaningful way is inherently very difficult , it is also because the superstructure has to meet demands for close and detached accountability : to parents , to governors , to local education authorities and , of course , to the Secretary of State .
5 It is also because improving practice in the area of assessment can be done without requiring large increases in financial resources .
6 It is also because it is a well-written , intensely moving story which shows that MPs can and do achieve things , that true love can and does exist , and which restores one 's faith in politicians at a time such restoration is badly needed .
7 It is also because nuclear weapons have not completely transformed the military and moral environment in which we live .
8 Mr Clinton has failed to draw clear lines not just because the world , seen from the Oval Office , is complicated , nor because he is congenitally easy-going ; it is also because the structure for effective leadership is not yet in place .
9 It is also because the system lacks the option of civil proceedings , which require a lower standard of proof than criminal cases .
10 It is also because she represents change : she is a woman taking over from a man who occupied the post for twenty-three years .
11 It is also because there are radically competing ideas of intellectual order .
12 But it is also because of the geography of growth of the service sector , which has also been very uneven .
13 This is partly because more is known about him , and because his drawings and those of his younger contemporary John Thorpe [ q.v. ] ( a high proportion of which are survey drawings ) are the only large personal collection from this period that still exist , but it is also because of the distinctive and remarkable character of the houses with which he can be connected .
14 But it is also because people in the Third World have realized that there are very few jobs available in which their children can use an education .
15 But Mohammed says it is also because the rules governing arms sales in London are laxer than elsewhere .
16 But it is also because one or two traders have squeezed the Brent forward market , which sets the price .
17 This is not only because quotation contributes to an appropriate " literary critical " register ( for this dubious reason , quotations are often believed to be " compulsory in essays " ) ; it is also because your essays are largely about language ( both the language of the literary texts you are analysing and also the language of critical works about them ) , so quotation is the main way of presenting essential data .
18 Maybe it is also because Finch Street is such a dirty little alley it is not the place anyone would try to lure me down .
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