Example sentences of "it is [adv] if " in BNC.

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1 If J. A. Hobson was justified in speaking of a ‘ crisis of Liberalism ’ in 1909 , it is equally if not more justified to think of the Edwardian period in terms of a ‘ crisis of Conservatism ’ .
2 It is equally if not more striking that these remarks about mania in the individual manic-depressive of modern times hold perfectly true for the cultural equivalent : the first cultivating societies .
3 This is particularly so in the UK where the social class implications of accent , furnishings and behaviour are so complex that it is rarely if ever possible to produce a domestic situation which is really widely acceptable , in the fullest sense of the word .
4 Can it possibly be that , while there is the situation in such a case , it is otherwise if the lessee has failed to get rid of the subterm until after a notice is served ?
5 It is best if lead training is started quite young so that , as an older puppy , it will freely accept a check chain when it is placed around its neck .
6 As the eyes are so sensitive , it is best if the patient cleans them himself , using damp cotton wool balls .
7 In fact , it is best if we actually have three separate accounts .
8 On every occasion when a loose ferret is worked for rabbits it is best if it is muzzled .
9 In order to disguise what you are doing from your spectators it is best if you stand with your left side to the audience as the crucial move occurs on the inside of the left hand .
10 It is best if they just tell me she was drowned . ’
11 It is best if you keep the doors locked , ’ said Mr Thabane to me .
12 It is best if you make each drawing to the same scale .
13 It is best if the sieve is flat-bottomed , but you can use a round-bottomed kitchen sieve if this is what you can get most easily .
14 It is best if there is a separate room for dressings , and trolleys are kept solely for dressings .
15 ( My own opinion is that , owing to the pressure of time , it is best if the senior member alone gives the judgment without consulting the other members .
16 It is best if this person can be someone who is or has been a teacher and who can therefore understand and evaluate production proposals that come up .
17 I think it is best if we leave as soon as we can . ’
18 ‘ My Lady , ’ Athelstan said softly , it is best if you tell the truth .
19 It is best if we have no dealings with Sir Richard and other members of his household . ’
20 The cold feed to the cylinder and the vent pipe must be at least 22mm in diameter ; it is best if the hot water distribution pipes are 22mm as well — at least as far as the connection to the branch pipe for the bath .
21 It is best if the actual words written by the originator can be used , but if they are too extensive the paper copy should be filed under its SPR identifier , and a summary indicating that the full report exists in paper form should be entered into LIFESPAN .
22 When entering the details of the SPR into LIFESPAN , it is best if the actual words written by the originator can be used , but if they are too extensive the paper copy should be filed under its SPR identifier , and a summary indicating that the full report exists in paper form should be entered into LIFESPAN .
23 Accordingly , it is best if the hive-up is deferred until , say , the end of the month in which the acquisition occurred at the earliest ( using a month-end will make the accounting treatment easier ) .
24 In general , therefore , it is best if a questionnaire does not request name unless a future follow-up is anticipated .
25 If it is even if you 've never heard of them before you know sort of funnium carbonate or something
26 It is enough if the dependent conditional ( 1 ) , or perhaps one of the variants ( 1a ) or ( lb ) , is true of the two things .
27 It is enough if there be just and reasonable grounds for apprehending that unless payment be made an unlawful and injurious course will be taken by the defendant in violation of the plaintiffs ' actual rights .
28 Whereas the essence of the previous law was that the threat was required to cause the breach of the peace , now it is enough if the conduct causes a person to believe that there will be violence , which might include continued violence if the scuffle is already in progress when the witness appears on the scene .
29 It is enough if the defendant has used threatening , abusive or insulting language or conduct such that it is likely that violence will be provoked .
30 Rather , the courts have held that it is enough if the constable has a power to act as he does , and that he is not acting illegally in the exercise of that power at the time of the act complained of .
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