Example sentences of "it is [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 It is rather as though there is a central axis , around which the gemstone of beauty is formed .
2 The answer to those questions may be said to depend on whether it is generally as serious to obtain sex by deception as it is by other means ( threats , force , fear ) .
3 Because the procedure can not apply to development already started and it is generally as quick to apply for actual permission if the planning authority 's officer advises that it is necessary , this does not get as much use as might be expected .
4 The question Brenton appears to be asking , and it is surely as relevant to himself as to his characters , is how do you live after faith and hope have gone ?
5 English Language is the study of the English language as it is today as well as of the history of its development over more than a thousand years .
6 It is probably as well to pause here a moment , in order to take a few social bearings against which to judge these accusations .
7 You do n't want to spend the first morning of your honeymoon trying to re-do it yourself , so it is probably as well to stick to something simple .
8 It is just as the nights are getting lighter when the sights of spring are just beginning to show .
9 If that was revealing in its way , then it is just as revealing to see roses actually growing , and not just read what others say about them .
10 It is just as he had imagined — crisp , sweet , and juicy .
11 It is exactly as the explorer 's biographer predicted it would be : 1,800 feet high , half-covered with jungle , a little way off the trans-Isthmian Indian tracks and somewhat detached from the rest of the Sierra — an outlier , distinct and somewhat aloof .
12 However , it is obviously as much a waste of funds to give money to privatisation of the coal industry as it was to give money for the poll tax .
13 One of the nicest things about the house is that it is virtually as it was in 1906 , and with all its rooms of manageable size .
14 Some of them are reluctant to ask visiting relatives , who may already be doing shopping for them , to run extra errands , such as taking prescriptions to the chemist or clothes to the launderette or dry cleaners , changing their library books and collecting their pension ; so it is always as well to check to make sure that you are meeting these needs , or arranging for someone else to do so .
15 Bearing in mind the above information , it is always as well , when completing any design , to just do a quick bit of arithmetic before saving .
16 Where such clauses are included at the wish of the parties it is always as well to go on to spell out the consequences of the failure to agree .
17 Hallworth , who picked up a dead leg in a pre-season friendly , said yesterday : ‘ If it is still as sore nearer Saturday I wo n't be playing at Chelsea . ’
18 there is a consistent air of frustration in the writings of some of the social scientist contributors … it is almost as though they wish they were in closer touch with the operational side of the service .
19 It is almost as though he converted too fast .
20 At this lowest level of British industry it is almost as though struggles are not expected to occur , let alone be won .
21 It is almost as though one has to pass a test to be their friend .
22 It is almost as though bad organizations are self-created Frankenstein monsters beyond the control or influence of leaders .
23 It is almost as though fate is saying , Look , I 've made it easy for you ; just get on with it , do it .
24 It is almost as though they ‘ want ’ to slot together in a particular way , but this illusion is just an inadvertent consequence of their properties .
25 It is almost as though each improvement in the missile stimulates the next improvement in itself , via its effect on the antidote .
26 It is almost as though the word job itself has acquired a life and purpose of its own over which we have lost control .
27 It is almost as though people want to show how intelligent they think they are by the degree of their emancipation from Bible and Catechism
28 If terms like ‘ affective psychosis ’ , ‘ schizophrenia ’ and ‘ schizoaffective disorder ’ have a use , therefore , it is merely as labels of convenience , as shorthand descriptors of the flavour of a given individual 's form of insanity — and even then often only at a certain point in time and subject to qualifications as to the severity of disability .
29 Then gradually twitches of life manifested themselves and it is now as well as can be expected .
30 Many police officers today , even in the higher ranks , can not remember carrying out their police duties without the assistance of the computer , and it is now as much a part of police back-up as the police car and police radio .
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