Example sentences of "it is [adj] we " in BNC.

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1 If it is diatonic we may never need to modulate at all .
2 Accordingly , on 12 June 1940 Lord Woolton , Minister of Food , despatched a memorandum to the Food Policy Committee of the War Cabinet in which he identified three groups in the population to whom food distribution should be improved : workers in factories ( ‘ if we are to obtain the maximum production over a long period of time from them ’ ) , people on low incomes and ‘ children of school age and under and nursing mothers whom , on grounds both of humanity and of racial preservation , it is essential we should protect against malnutrition ’ .
3 One can look back in eighty seven when we had that terrible storm and they said well once in a hundred years and then we had a storm very similar I think it is essential we look
4 I will be surprised if more than two or three players will be able to perform to the standard required in a 42-match programme , so it is essential we have a strong squad . ’
5 It is essential we address this in a very short time scale . ’
6 It is essential we catch the person who committed these serious crimes , ’ he said .
7 ‘ If it is alive we might be able to help . ’
8 If it is correct we do n't do anything and if it is n't correct we use that error to adjust the weights .
9 He is generic because it is unmarked , but if we ask why it is unmarked we are told , because it is generic .
10 As the ball hangs there , moon-white against the wall of cloud , everything in the world seems briefly up for grabs and I am seized by two contradictory feelings : there is so much beauty in the world it is incredible that we are ever miserable ; there is so much shit in the world that it is amazing we are happy even for a moment .
11 ‘ The split of Czechoslovakia into two countries has caused problems in some areas , but there is good co-operation between the two nuclear organisations and it is possible we will be asked to repeat the exercise in Slovakia . ’
12 It is possible we will try to put the fight on in September rather than July . ’
13 all over the place , it could take months to trace and it is possible we will never find all of it .
14 There are areas of activity where we will be producing improved services , and so we I think in this very difficult time we have managed to maintain our erm adherence to the principle that wherever it is possible we will improve and increase the services to the people of Oxfordshire .
15 It is true we have not yet been told , nor has Abraham , that Sarah will be the mother of the son on whom everything depends .
16 ‘ Yes , there are plans for a musical , it is true we are talking about doing one with Kylie and we all very much want it to happen , ’ admitted Pete Waterman .
17 FA chief executive Graham Kelly admitted : ‘ It is true we had reservations but there was a lot of feeling within FIFA and UEFA to the get the principle on the statute . ’
18 A : It is true we had a perfectly wonderful time .
19 It is true we did increase the pupil to teacher ratio to one to thirteen in line with the F E er guidelines and that of course did provide some extra nursery places but last year we did put in real resources and actually increased the number of nursery places by about four hundred which involved the development of several new nursery classes , so it is completely untrue to say that the Conservatives attempted to increase nursery education on the cheap .
20 It is important we know how many want to come for each event , so PLEASE CONTACT Val Hawkins ( 453-3366 ) or David Cameron ( 445 1154 ) or sign the list to be circulated , as soon as possible .
21 It is important we get these things right but basically we just want to add to the enjoyment of the displays .
22 Lawrence said : ‘ United are the best team in the country and it is important we do ourselves justice .
23 It is important we all pull together .
24 It is important we make the most of our scoring chances . ’
25 We meet with the French regularly so it is important we can converse and understand each other . ’
26 The West Ham manager , Billy Bonds , who has already fined Dicks and stripped him of the club captaincy , admitted yesterday : ‘ It is obvious we have had a disciplinary problem this season and it is something we are going to have to try to put straight .
27 It is unlikely we shall ever know what some really got up to .
28 When Bonington returns from his expedition to Panch Chuli , reads the contents of the notebook and sees the photographs he may be able to give a few more clues , but it is unlikely we will ever know what really happened .
29 It is likely we have not seen the worst of the conditions , ’ he added .
30 ‘ We can only hope that Implexion 's agents will be appeased by our offer , although it is likely we will still be penalised for failing to furnish them with a living child .
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