Example sentences of "it in [noun pl] which " in BNC.

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1 Why not just accept experience — why try to understand it and encapsulate it in words which will necessarily have an imprisoning effect upon the insight ?
2 that 's pretty , yeah grilled that 's really gruesome is n't it but you could , I mean really that 's the sort of ghastly thing people do is n't it in headlines which you could use it as you 've used the actual word Bacon 's in your headline you could play on words keep using that idea .
3 Although EEC policy is necessarily uniform for the Community as a whole , member governments are responsible for applying it in ways which are relevant to local problems , just as they were for identifying boundaries of their Less Favoured Areas in the first place .
4 Awareness , although aided by propositional knowledge , is primarily of the concrete situation , to which one can not attend without being causally affected , so that to have become aware of it at all one must already be responding to it in ways which vary with the range and degree of awareness .
5 To be effective in their teaching of Standard English , schools should teach it in ways which do not denigrate the non-standard dialects spoken by many pupils .
6 I do n't have fancy feelings about where money comes from , so long as I earn it in ways which fit in with my flexible principles .
7 Since the case , the Law Commissioners have considered the matter and dismissed it in terms which raised doubts as to whether the full implications of the issues were understood .
8 Yet what is interesting is that , when a query was raised as to the meaning and effect of subsection ( 2 ) , in the context of the liability of journalists to search and interrogation , the Minister of State described it in terms which are consistent only with its having been inserted to cover the case of a holder who himself was a party to the criminal purpose .
9 It is generally the present tense which is used when you describe a text , even when you describe it in terms which place it in the past ( e.g. by mentioning the author ) : In Los Gusanos ( 1991 ) John Sayles describes Miami as it was in the early 1980s .
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