Example sentences of "it into [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The romantic-lyrical ballad style of twentieth-century Tin Pan Alley clings stubbornly to its role in the representation of gender relations within the norms set by the stereotype of the bourgeois couple , despite attempts made from time to time to move it into new patterns with new meanings .
2 I am doubtful ; I suggest that we have all just become more aware of it in recent years , more ready to take it into new forms .
3 It is not necessarily a soft option to tame wild animals , for to do so involves understanding their nature , being at one with it and drawing it into new forms of behaviour .
4 Furthermore , plants utilize carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that animals eject , and animals Bean yet more energy from the environment by utilizing the oxygen that plants eject by converting it into new combinations of chemicals .
5 Thus , in addition to the general process in which the market registers people 's choices and these feed back into selected or discontinued types of production , there is an evident pressure , at or before the point of production , to reduce costs : either by improving the technical means of reproduction , or by altering the nature of the work or pressing it into other forms .
6 The action has played a strong part in industrial safety but attempts to introduce it into other areas have been less successful .
7 Accordingly the lenders got their security , and leave to turn it into good cash if no other cash redeemed it in time .
8 The indication here is that the caged finch has been placed close to the owl in order to provoke it into prolonged alarm calling that will attract others of its kind .
9 The analysis and evaluation of the data to turn it into useful information at the fourth stage involves collating the quantitative assessments and ranking them in order .
10 I take that multiplier and divide it into separate periods of one , three and twelve respectively .
11 There are no firm legal rules about the proper approach that a company should adopt , but often it will be reasonable to look at the organisation as a whole , without dividing it into separate compartments .
12 Historical knowledge is in the end indivisible , even if the multiplication of specialisms seem to subdivide it into separate spheres .
13 But many feel they lack guidance about how to turn it into practical achievement .
14 The growing nationalism of his schemes needed only the more autarchic economic plan and the authoritarian nature of political control to turn it into fully-fledged fascism .
15 Divide it into tiny knobs .
16 I thought for a second he was going to burn it , but instead he tore it into tiny scraps that he tossed into the warm wind .
17 As his own name shrivelled in the heat , he dropped the envelope into the ashtray and watched it burn to a husk , then prodded it into tiny fragments with the extinguished match .
18 Rip it into tiny pieces and throw it at the bride and groom at the next wedding you see .
19 Taking it out , she ripped it into tiny pieces then tossed the fragments into the bucket that still stood on the dresser like some awful avant-garde ornament .
20 The ability to make long-range plans is at a premium in early middle game , and the machine 's low level of ability in this department usually gets it into terrible trouble .
21 put it into legal hands then .
22 Walking along the path it was fascinating to see how the sea and wind was slowly eroding the coastline , shaping it into intriguing nooks and crannies .
23 She stopped and looked full face into the mirror , as if , among the distorted outlines of the bar she was standing in as it stretched far into the mirror-room that swallowed it up and pulled it into strange shapes , she was looking for something not apparent in the real room .
24 The firm curd is squeezed through the cheesemaker 's fingers to break it into small particles — they must be small or the finished cheese will be of an uneven texture .
25 Freddie fiddles with his dry biscuit , breaking it into small pieces , and dropping crumbs which catch in the hairy surface of his trousers .
26 Add the oil and deep fry the pork , stirring with a spatula to break it into small pieces .
27 Buy about 1 ½ to 2 lb. of a good lean cut of beef — topside is perhaps the best — and cut it into small steaks each weighing about 3 to 4 oz .
28 Remove the vanilla pod , skim the jam , and let it cool for a few minutes before turning it into small jars .
29 She divides it into great scoopfuls and fills a cornflake bowl for each of us .
30 After reassessing the situation , however , the Brigade Commander decided to pull back the battlegroup and move it into temporary hides .
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