Example sentences of "it as if [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Andrew had been annoyed by his fall and on the court he went at it as if trying to prove something , beating Peter easily .
2 She heard a footfall , she pressed herself back , keeping an eye on the street ; in a doorway , further on , a silhouette detached itself for a moment , and she saw a man throw his head back and shake it as if intoxicated , while holding his arms extended , and she fancied she heard him speak to his own fidanzata of that evening , she imagined him murmuring about her hair — as dark as a raven 's wing , perhaps ?
3 The lathes were serviced with a light oil film , draped in it as if to give them an overcoat protection that would ensure their survival against age and wear .
4 Rohmer proffered it nonchalantly and Pearce sat again , scrutinising it as if examining the small print .
5 She had caressed the name , purred over it , spoken it as if showing me a great treasure .
6 To her astonishment Nora saw Beador 's horse fly at it as if to clear it in one bound — which was impossible , surely .
7 It snorted , and carefully raised its hind leg and straightened it as if to rid itself of an encumbrance .
8 Careful experiments have made it clear that they take note of the geographical features below them and when leaving their home loft they circle above it as if refreshing their memory with one last look before departing .
9 Well er if take it as if threw a b a fence all the way round the the flats .
10 She coasted through it as if dreaming buoyed by a strange mixture of anticipation and dread .
11 This one was thick and protuberant , and bent unexpectedly at the top : it looked like a cross between a penis and a corkscrew , and the little group looked at it as if wondering who would dare be first to point this out .
12 Sophie said it as if describing some tiresome duty .
13 The eagle was clinging with his talons to the wall of the old female 's cage and seemed to be looking into it as if to work out where she had gone .
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