Example sentences of "it would [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That 's right it would it would pull pull the bottom
2 The theory is incomplete because , as we have seen , the association it would explain has exceptions .
3 When this was unsuccessful it would look around the cage where there was a long stick and suddenly it would decide to use it to rake in the fruit .
4 Strictly speaking , yes , it would tend to go blue ever so slightly .
5 A general energy tax , on the other hand , would not be desirable because it would tend to minimise fuel switching .
6 It should be introduced as a discrete unit , as it would tend to lose its focus if broken up into sections and " nested " within core units .
7 One advantage of wind power is that it would tend to generate best when weather is bad which is also the time of peak need for electricity in many countries .
8 ‘ unless a defendant is assured that information given in response to an order for disclosure can not and thus will not be used as evidence at his trial for the offences charged , he may well be entitled to refuse to supply the information on the ground that it would tend to incriminate him .
9 If the Moon were ever hot then it would tend to cool rapidly because of its small size and consequent large surface area to mass ratio .
10 He said : ‘ It would tend to make men , women and children happier , better and more Christ-like . ’
11 The obvious difficulty of having the same method of election for both Houses is that it would tend to produce a mirror image and devalue the House of Lords as a check .
12 I knew it would lead to trouble .
13 The Federal Cartel Office had on April 20 , 1989 , objected to the proposed takeover on the grounds that it would lead to market domination in the arms , aerospace and truck industries by Daimler-Benz , which in recent years had taken over another aerospace company , Dornier , the electrical concern AEG and the engineering company MTU .
14 Claiming responsibility , the loyalist paramilitary organisation warned it would continue to escalate its campaign of violence until political progress was made in Northern Ireland .
15 In a sector beset with intellectual arrogance which has a disturbing tendency to under-rate the value of the customer and blame poor audiences on the weaknesses of marketing rather than , as is more likely , on the weaknesses of the artistic offering , it was refreshing to find a company which had used marketing techniques successfully — and which claimed it would continue to do so .
16 Gould would have been happy to remain in the same spot if it would continue providing him with novelties .
17 Two days later , following further investigations by the ANC , NOSC and SARFU into the Ellis Park controversy , the ANC formally and publicly stated it would continue to support the tour and the test between South Africa and the Wallabies at Cape Town .
18 The World Bank announced on Nov. 15 that it would continue funding the Narmada River project [ see p. 38967 ] .
19 Because it would continue to share in the earth 's rotating motion , even after leaving the bow , it would fall to its origin even if the earth were moving .
20 However , Europe made it clear that it would continue to defer to the leadership of the United States in the ‘ peace process ’ , as it had done in the 1970s .
21 Japan announced that it would abide by the IWC 's decision , although it would continue to catch about 300 minke whales a year for " research purposes " .
22 It was reported on May 23 that Lithuania 's Salcininkai okrug ( district ) had been proclaimed autonomous by its local soviet ( council ) and that it would continue to recognize the constitution of Soviet Lithuania rather than the independence constitution .
23 The favourite date for the poll is March 25 , but a note of confusion was sown when parliament decided it would continue sitting until March 16 .
24 Husayn stated that if the PLO fell under Syrian domination there was a legitimate question as to whether it would continue to speak for the Palestinian people .
25 So it would 've led to other things as well .
26 It would 've done .
27 It would 've given us another month to play with at least .
28 No but you were saying before that had it worked it would 've given them a problem .
29 It would 've saved a lot of agonizing . ’
30 It would 've sounded most odd .
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