Example sentences of "it 's [unc] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , no I du n no it 's re going round .
2 But it 's in having said that it 's an interesting fact that the knitted fabric as such we know , is a warm sort of comfortable fabric and it 's obviously used in where I call the , the cold climes , and that , that 's why it 's developed in the very areas we 've been talking about .
3 Oh it 's wobb wobbling .
4 That it 's an zoom delete it .
5 So I would give her Penelope , she 's one of the moss , er it 's pink , it 's er repeat flowering , it flowers all season which some of the others do n't and a yellow one Graham Thomas I think would be my other choice .
6 So really whatever little slates he 's doing it 's er costing him hard labour and er just because we ca n't er resolve the situation .
7 But it 's er leaving it a bit short notice in n it ?
8 In other words it 's , it 's sticking from east to west , people will know of all the thing , it 's er tell you that many from eastern parts and western parts were called and reclined at the table , in other words this , well this good news that Jesus was sticking on this
9 Right it is a hundred miles from King 's Lynn to London , the train takes two hours to do the journey the train does not go at a constant speed , it speeds up sometimes and slows down at other times it also stops at stations on the way and on once of course as it , as it 's stopping it 's going more and more slowly and as it 's er moving off again it starts slowly and starts to go quickly but because it takes two hours in all the train goes a hundred miles in two hours we say its average speed for the journey is fifty miles per hour .
10 it 's er does n't actually affect me but I can hear it .
11 It 's like some of it looks as if it 's er getting a bit old .
12 Anyway he 'll judge that one well but it 's er falls neatly for Gemmell and a good lay off here to Kingsley Black early chance for Nottingham Forest and really Kingsley Black will be as they say rather disappointed he did n't do better there Ron Atkinson .
13 And the pleadings bundle which I 've got also seems to be erm from your side but it 's er seems to be the trial bundle that was lodged with the court rather than the one that you 've a different order and different pagination .
14 You know so there is not only is the product design here it 's er selling the kitchen but actually closing a sale when there 's other various options on the market .
15 More importantly , it 's er conveys to the client that we care about quality , that we 've gone to the trouble to set up procedures which make our product as good as it possibly can be .
16 Um I think um where I 've seen things that er discussed under the heading of child sex abuse erm er it 's often the case that um y'know maybe in some families you find the situation where there 's a daughter who 's being abused by the father and then when the brother gets old enough to take an interest in sexuality , he joins in as well sort of thing and it 's er y'know it 's like there 's two blokes abusing the girl .
17 I think it 's er wants a few more minutes so
18 really it 's er testing my patience now I 'm afraid .
19 it 's er coming into the room is n't it ?
20 Aye but well it 's the right size sort of thing it 's , but it 's er to double up with the picture you ca n't do it .
21 No I would say it 's er it 's er bunging the ground up .
22 Cos the answers , when they come back , are going to be , things like , depends on what you get in your exams and it 's very , it 's very bad stage in your life , it 's er going to affect , but I mean the weather 's going to get nice , and it you know , it 's going to be great .
23 It 's er going into an archive , got lots of papers .
24 Yeah , it seems to me that erm they are it 's er going to be a comparative thing from nineteen ninety two , and then in , we 'll say nineteen ninety seven for argument 's sake .
25 Yeah it 's er watch it , empty one in cupboard , it usually is , yeah .
26 It 's er gon na be with us a fortnight tomorrow is n't it really , and I wonder if you 've got people coming to stay over the festive season , and I wonder if you 're looking forward to it ?
27 And that old you kept er asking about , it 's er tying the ro you remember the rose bush ?
28 So we yes we are It 's erm beginning to very good .
29 It 's it 's just the technology and things really it 's erm dealing with cars electrical studies er it 's
30 Well it was but whether it 's erm try it again from cold I think .
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