Example sentences of "i [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I could see this condition coming upon me relentlessly from the first moment Dana cast his eyes upon me : he was another who knew how to use the power of the evil eye , almost casually , to enchant total strangers .
2 She looked at me crossly over the breakfast table .
3 Impels me onward through the glowing orbs
4 ‘ The breaches that concern me most at the moment are off the ball incidents , dangerously high tackles and illegal use of the elbow , ’ he added .
5 I think what attracted me most about the country round was its Englishness , meadows deep in grass and wild flowers , and willows wherever there was water .
6 The thing that struck me most about the room was its symmetry .
7 One of the things that bothered me most in the villages of the Delta was the treatment given to women in childbirth .
8 I 'd been jumping up and down like an eejit for a couple of minutes before the bloke next to me tapped me politely on the shoulder to point out the linesman and his flag .
9 His master closed his book and invited me politely to the table .
10 As I work in the Middle East , I usually only have a short space of time while I 'm home to sort out my musical needs and Colin from my local store , Heads Hands and Feet , has helped me tremendously over the years .
11 Then when I told him that it takes a man to make a man , he hit me right across the face .
12 Then she swiped me right across the nose , claws at full stretch .
13 I must admit the ‘ truth ’ did not smack me right between the eyes or make me leap like Archimedes from his bath .
14 I 'll have a bath an' all an' my brither-in-law 'll see me right for the gear . ’
15 Do n't take me right to the party , drop me off at Sam 's .
16 It took me right to the McDarroch days as he fished out one forceps after another , opened and shut them a few times then tried them on me .
17 We stood eyeing each other for a few minutes and then to my amazement a jeep came up ; the farmer saw my problem and not only gave me a lift past the bull but took me right to the main road where the bike was .
18 ‘ Someone who may be able to lead me right to the heart of the operation , ’ he said softly .
19 The scheme certainly helped me right at the beginning when I was starting up as a criminal lawyer .
20 ‘ It caught me right on the side of my face , ’ she said .
21 And he 's he 's turned over this and just gon na slap one on me and I 've turned my head and gone like that and he 's fucking caught me right on the fucking lips !
22 ‘ You will land me right in the shit if you do n't fill this up .
23 Why , once he looked me right in the face and sneered .
24 We are seven in number altogether , with me right in the middle .
25 He did say to me right in the very beginning basically it 's answering the telephone .
26 It was a bad one for me right from the start when I got involved in the spinning at the first corner . ’
27 More to give herself time to think than because she wished to know , she said to Constance , ‘ Perhaps you had better tell me right from the beginning , Constance . ’
28 It is urging me on over the years bidding me neglect those that were without Cathenne , where as I set out to tell the story of my life , the dull with the bright , the gray with the green , all the Sundays Mondays and Tuesdays of it at least sufficiently to suggest them .
29 He pulled rank and went to bed at half past eleven , leaving me on for the late-night drinks .
30 They 'll be easing me on as the new presenter so as not to put too much pressure on me .
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