Example sentences of "i [adv] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh well , serves me right for being nosey .
2 It is this too which causes me personally to be deeply resentful of the practice so prevalent in the mass of fiscal and planning legislation of relegating provisions of real substance to Schedules which are sometimes cross-referenced between one another , so that construing the statute becomes a sort of verbal jigsaw puzzle that can only be solved by laying out numerous copies of the Act open at different pages or by the judicious use of more fingers than the number with which nature has been pleased to endow us .
3 Last night you trusted me enough to be your first lover .
4 " So — am I not to be married after all ? "
5 Suffer me not to be separated .
6 So I said , ‘ Look , I just do n't want it , ’ so he tells me not to be so clever .
7 Uncle Geordie used to laugh and tell me not to be a fearedy-gowk when I said Skipper was trying to bite me .
8 He said : ‘ Is that what you really want , Amy , for me not to be here ? ’
9 It is impossible for me not to be absolutely certain of it .
10 It was important to me not to be silenced by the fear the anonymous caller invoked .
11 She told me not to be embarrassed about asking Diana to do the washing up and so on . ’
12 He told me not to be impulsive and think it over , but I sha n't stay .
13 She told me not to be silly and went and reported me .
14 ‘ Daft of me not to be able to remember who the girl was , ’ he said , ‘ but I tell you what I do remember .
15 So in my new bedroom ( which used to be Pa 's office until he gave it up , just for me , and moved into the caravan ) , we work out a prayer together , to help me not to be led into temptation again .
16 I had been remembering another rose garden lit by shafts of lightning and somebody telling me not to be afraid and to go to sleep .
17 I met our Tony and Helen as I was coming here and they told me not to be long .
18 ‘ I told you that , ’ said Sam , indignantly , ‘ and you told me not to be so stupid . ’
19 Edward advised me not to be fooled by this open confession of fraud : it was an early exercise in disinformation .
20 So I suppose one day sooner or later we 'll have to do this disgusting thing in order for me not to be barren , but I do n't look forward to it .
21 He once told me not to be afraid as my death was many years off and would come in a way I least expected .
22 Mum told me not to be so silly .
23 I was talking to David this afternoon , and he feels it 's too much of a coincidence for me not to be Lilian Parsons 's surviving twin .
24 Then he added that times were hard for small farmers and told me not to be in a hurry to send in the account . ’
25 If I pulled out he would probably do me over for being a chicken , but if I competed and beat him ( unlikely but not impossible ) … well , I might as well have booked my hospital bed then and there .
26 I 've been worried out of my head for so long it was a tremendous relief to me just to be able to talk to someone .
27 A Minister of the Crown told me once of being present at a Cabinet committee meeting when she disagreed with her then chancellor , Nigel Lawson , and sensed that the rest of those present were also against her .
28 Each society , of course , has to deal with many specific problems arising from its own culture and history , but there are also some general issues to be faced , and the two which seem to me still to be pre-eminent are those which I indicated at the beginning of this book : namely , industrialization and democracy .
29 My Grandfather arrived and was found to be not my ‘ official ’ guardian , but despite red tape they finally carted me off to be cauterized .
30 Er I thought you did well in erm giving yourself credibility by talking about the shares , oh yes you can have two hundred and fifty pounds per month in the shares and they 've done well and I said oh yes they have done well , and I felt good that you were praising me up for being such a clever chap , and so I thought that was all , all jolly good stuff .
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