Example sentences of "i [conj] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I was n't happy with myself and I felt like no-one really listened to me or understood me , ’ she revealed .
2 Well I mean they 've never really spoken about it one way or another , encouraged me or discouraged me , which I think I 'm grateful for .
3 Not all the congratulatory letters were complimentary , but I 'm just as grateful to those who took me to task or argued with me or lectured me as I am to those who gave me a kind pat .
4 If anybody has any absolutely yes I 'll be quite happy I mean to me chairman of the trust or with management committee to meet anybody if they feel that they 've got some concern they wish to discuss I 'm quite happy to do that all I can say is that nobody has actually wro wro wrote to me or rang me to say they 'd like to meet to discuss that and I 'm quite happy to do that .
5 Was it me or did it look like the game was in slow motion then ?
6 Erm did n't say you 'll go back and work out a plan of attack for me or did you ?
7 It was like every time I got a letter or an insinuation from him that he cared , or that he really loved me or wanted me to be with him , it shocked me because he was n't good at showing that .
8 She gave me an extra pillow , kept me supplied with boiling bottles , brought me Vichy , and my meals on a little round table , actually produced a bottle of alcool camphre & frictioned me & gave me some lime flower tea before I went to sleep .
9 It was only the thought of this poor baby in me that made me stir at all and get myself to a friend of Ferdinando 's who is in the way of knowing all the business of the street being a wine-merchant and visited by all .
10 There was just some little part of me that carried me wide of him .
11 I was scared to cross the stepping-stones and it was turning back to encourage me that caused her to slip . ’
12 It 's me that told him not to go !
13 It 's me that told him not to go cos I said , I did n't want to go this week and he did n't go .
14 Melody looked up at his drawn face and said , ‘ I 'm sorry it was me that told you , Seb , but I 'm not sorry about what we did afterwards , are you ? ’
15 You sure it was n't me that wrote it ?
16 It definitely were n't me that checked it .
17 It was me , me that finished him off ! ’
18 It were me that realized we 'd fetched wrong ones , not Des .
19 you to find that was , it was me that did it .
20 and until you see him doing it ooh I said you never told me that did you ?
21 I said to Bev erm do n't mean to say , I mean I might get home and find she 's got a phone call but she said to me yes I mean we , she did think of going out yesterday , and it was me that stopped it but if I feel so inclined today we 'll go down if she 's in
22 and because , it 's only this , it 's only me , it 's only me that , me that tricked her .
23 ‘ It was me that set her on fire ! ’
24 A disobedient Norfolk farm boy was propelled into a lifetime of professional poaching by the combination of a harsh , flogging father , who for years ‘ never spoke to me nor owned me ’ , and an entertaining , caring grandfather who had poached himself : ‘ I 'm not shure I did not inherit some of my sporting ways from him . ’
25 Instead of getting someone to calm me down and talk to me , a whole bunch of them came and jumped on me and rushed me down to the block and left me there .
26 When our storage duties were done we shook hands and I drew her to me and kissed her .
27 But I soon felt calmer when he came to meet me and kissed me .
28 He put his arm round me and kissed me ! ’
29 Last week , he grabbed me and kissed me passionately .
30 ‘ Later in the week he said he was falling in love with me and kissed me just before I got out of the car .
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