Example sentences of "i [art] [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 But for me the metal is a little better for my playing style . ’
2 For the comprehension items , the tester speaks the two stimulus sentences — for example , ‘ The cat is behind the chair ’ ; ‘ The cat is under the chair ’ — and then requires the child to ‘ Show me the cat is under the chair ’ from a set of pictures .
3 To me the grenadilla is without compare ; its flowers are sweet like the flowers of roses , but its fruit is like no other fruit and I would choose it before the nectar of the gods .
4 Yet for me the ice is here , the ice is there , the ice is all around .
5 Epsilon ( 4.1 ) , between Beta and Lambda , is also of type M , and is decidedly orange , though to me the colour is much less pronounced than that of Mu .
6 ‘ They 've told me the plan is that I should be opening , all things being equal , ’ he explained .
7 But to me the man is also important .
8 ‘ I do n't care where it 's done — for me the play is the thing , ’ she says .
9 ‘ I started out with a mission and for me the mission is n't over … and that is to bring the heavyweight title to England . ’
10 ‘ It seems to me the law is reasonably plain .
11 ‘ Someone told me the hedge is centuries old .
12 To me the studio is a totally separate entity ; you ca n't go out on stage and try to re-create your record , because it 's boring .
13 You did n't tell me the disease is here , in your house ! ’
14 Tell me the baby is n't yours . ’
15 She tells me the ambulance is on its way , then she fetches Ma downstairs and sits her by the Rayburn .
16 You told me the house is in need of attention ; move and you can move to a place which is in excellent order and in a more central position where you 'll be able to attract more customers , ’ he said , treading a verbal tightrope between head-banging irritation and reasoned appeal .
17 ‘ To me the record is really a collage , with different elements that come and go .
18 After some ti me the job is completed and the two mortar bombs have been neutralised .
19 The men talk as cheerfully as ever ; jests are bandied about freely ; but to me the cheer is sombre and jests are ghastly . ’
20 The cause is complete now , I need no more to show me the time is on me .
21 Behind me the Jamaican is breathing heavily , adding to the effect .
22 ( The Operations Information Officer tells me the Adjutant is really going to Dhekelia to water-ski-but then Operations Information is seldom accurate ! )
23 Yes they have that 's when I the house is finished .
24 I An insult is perceived by someone who feels insulted .
25 How often had he told me a lie is always sinful and bad in itself .
26 To me a place is a set of institutionalized relationships of the type described by Paasi .
27 That 's a good reason for David to give me a lift is n't it ?
28 Something which appeals to me a lot is its ability to sound either blatantly digital ( with a sharp , bright quality to the effects ) , or ( if you dispense with the EQ or treat it with care ) to simulate analogue effects .
29 Now you 're gon na tell me a property is something that you can
30 Den de Time Out tell me de scene is Acklam Hall
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