Example sentences of "i [prep] my [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , it 's got nothing to do with business , ’ Alison replied with a laugh that ever so gently reprimanded me for my mercantile preoccupations .
2 At an earlier meeting , Bobby Lawrence had asked me for my initial reaction to the management buying the company .
3 I started siding stuff then , an' sweeping an' doing ; and I expected he 'd begin a calling me for my idle ways .
4 For I too have the same taint of ‘ foolishness ’ upon me as my great-uncle Fred , though I 've so far escaped the anguish of his illness .
5 As time went on and I knew that I had a fight on my hands , healing became as important to me as my new diet or the other new therapies .
6 ‘ Tell me about my real father .
7 ‘ I 'm not used to some bloody apprentice waltzing into my house and asking me about my private affairs — ’
8 ‘ What right have you to ask me about my private life ? ’
9 ‘ What right have you to ask me about my private life ?
10 In the interview they asked me about my future plans .
11 D' you know that guy comes into my office about twice a day and perches on my desk like a bird of ill omen all ready to commiserate with me about my wretched lot ?
12 He had asked me about my unusual name .
13 He then asked me about my sexual habits , to which I replied that I was heterosexual .
14 I in my personal opinion I I do n't think it is .
15 They were a decent lot and I was glad that they accepted me despite my anomalous position .
16 ‘ It reminds me of my dear father one day at Sandwich , ’ she was saying , ‘ when we were picnicking on the sands and we had arranged to meet him at the nineteenth hole .
17 I detest the armoured , air-conditioned truck that deprived me of my final opportunity to desecrate the holy relic that is ‘ Guernica ’ .
18 Even when Samuel is facing death by having his throat cut in the Gents the exchange goes like this , ‘ Mother of Mary , that reminds me of my poor Joseph going .
19 It was a bulky volume to carry around and my RAF friends used to rib me about my " vest pocket edition " , but I had resolved to keep reading it in spare moments to remind me of my real life .
20 Stan Wickenden , purchasing director of Renshaws , quickly disabused me of my fanciful notions that Mitcham harboured fabulous nut-cracking machinery : ‘ Of course , you realise that most nuts are imported ready shelled .
21 As I escorted Marinka to the Oasis Arena in the torrential rain , the scene of mimose reminded me of my halcyon days at .
22 It 's still not gon na relive me of my vocal duties , though . ’
23 ‘ But I ai n't scared of that great ox of a matron , even if she does remind me of my old commandant .
24 It was projected by a thin young student at a concert where I was trying to do my performance , and it reminded me of my intentional projection of wrong words at the English Teacher when I was at school .
25 She had not asked me of my previous experiences .
26 Rutherford cites Lawrence 's own remark in The Seven Pillars of Wisdom to the effect that this identification ‘ quitted me of my English self , and let me look at the West and its conventions with new eyes : they destroyed it all for me ’ .
27 I was glad to hear the accent , for it reminded me of my exciting days in Northern Ireland , recounted elsewhere .
28 ‘ That you 're keen to finish what you started in St Lucia , so you 'd like to rid me of my inconvenient hang-ups ? ’
29 Actually you remind me of my fucking Triumph
30 Yes : here was the Bus Station , and there was Vern sitting beside me with my ham-and-tomato sandwich in his pocket .
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