Example sentences of "i [verb] what [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps because I was hot-tempered at times , I became what used to be called a ‘ natural ’ as a boxer .
2 This is of course what I did — rather than repeat exactly experiments done on mice or rats that other researchers had already reported , I asked what would happen if I tried a similar procedure with my chicks .
3 I mean what would your system
4 I mean what would have happened to us kids if if she 'd have been like him ?
5 tourism in West Sussex I mean what would happen to that is just one example er on a broader level , the County Council is working with the European regions to promote West Sussex in Europe and what would happen to that , the only conclusion we could draw is that these policies would crumble and to er seriously affect West Sussex and finally I come back to the point that , that I will keep making , if I ever get the opportunity , namely the cost of this exercise .
6 right I mean what would you for instance think if it 's possible , if I can prove that right
7 If you walk into Spanish shops they 're on size eight shoes I mean what would you mean what are you talking about .
8 I mean what would happened train to London .
9 I mean what used to make me , what made me laugh too , is the same with linens and things
10 I mean what could I do ?
11 yeah that 's right but I mean what can you do I mean she was an Russian was a
12 I mean what can you , what can we do ?
13 I was glad I knew her because I realized what would happen to me .
14 It 's not that I wo n't be prepared to face such conditions , it 's just that I realise what could happen .
15 good gracious well I worry what 'll happen to the health service if Labour get in
16 And I worry what will happen to those men at sea if I do .
17 I imagined what would happen if I should tear the sleeves out , or cut it up , or run to the kitchen for the tomato-ketchup and pour it all over the bodice ; if I should rip out the collar with my teeth .
18 Certainly this is a month of trials and tribulations but I suspect what will be rooted up , thrashed out and spat out will do us all a favour in the end .
19 But I know what 'll happen to me soon as I put my face round the door .
20 I know what 'll dae me even better . ’
21 I know what 'll happen , ’ said Robert .
22 I know what 'll happen .
23 I know what can happen .
24 You 're going to think well I know what will happen , we 'll get if you drip hydrochloric acid on it you 'd get funnium chloride water and carbon dioxide .
25 He had a shaving kit like that , and he had his old , the old after shave lotion and that , and he will , well , picked us , we just fucking said I , I know what will do the trick a bit of fucking gone
26 Secondary to that , I anticipated what could possibly be done with such power .
27 for one terrifying moment I fancied what would happen to someone carried under the ice by the current .
28 I ask what will happen when they have finished poking through Jamie 's food cupboards .
29 I knew what would happen all along .
30 I knew what would happen next .
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